batikindigo batiksolo batikindonesia batikcap batikjogjanan batikmurah batiktulis kainbatik batikkatun indigo batiklurik batik kainbatikmurah batikviscos batikcapsolo batiklasem batiklawasan batikparis batikcapkesikan batikcapsuper batikcapsupermurah batikcapwedelan batikcapwonogirenparis batikcirebon batiketnik batikindigomurah batiklucu batikpariscap batikprinting batikwedelan гелиевыешарырубцовск
A hand painted batik has a long and difficult process to achieve certain pattern and color.
Especially the long process of color dipping and drying that has to be done repeatedly, made me appreciate hand painted batik and their artists even more.
Thank you ibu @sancayarini and @indoestri for the knowledge sharing of how to make a hand painted batik using natural indigo dye
#batik #batikindigo #indigobatik #batikindonesia #batikclass #batikworkshop #selfmade #indigoblue #indigodyed #indoestri
This is the 4th times @galeribatikjawaindigo has passed the international curation together with more than 150 participants from 54 countries in the world at the 16th International Folk Art Market, Santa Fe 2019. .
We are always proud and grateful representing Indonesian folk art in the world events like this. Here we meet with various nations of the world with their respective cultures, but there is no sense of differences here in one language of art. Like this year @folkartmarket's theme: My Heart Is In The Art...
Again...we feel so thankful to be here and even more so proud to be Indonesian that our culture and arts gets a very high appreciation in this world event.
Viva Indonesia
#galeribatikjawaindigo #galeribatikjawa #naturalindigobatik #batikindigo #naturaldye #naturalblue #naturalcolor #batikindonesia #batikfortheworld #tradition #art #folkart #craft #handmade #handmadeinindonesia #indonesianculture #indonesiantradition #indonesianfolkarts #indonesiancrafts #proudindonesian #ifam2019 #internationalfolkartmarket #santafe #newmexico #usa
Summer show season is in full swing! Happy Father's to all the Dads out there! Had an awesome day selling at the Grand Bazaar today. I will be selling at Artist and Fleas in Soho from June 24th-June 30th 11am-8 daily! Come shop handmade @artistsandfleas .
#handbagstyle #repurposedfabric #handmadeishuman #handmadefabric #handmadehandbags #basketbags #batikindigo #handmadehomegoods
Pengabdian tanpa batas
Explore eksotika Jogja photo by @atriastama taken at Kota Gede Yogyakarta
Gunakan hastag #eksotikajogja untuk membagikan pengalaman wisata eksotismu di Yogyakarta
#budayaindonesia #warisanbudaya #budayajawa #budayanusantara #cultureindonesia #budaya #seniindonesia #senibudaya #wayang #cagarbudaya #indonesianheritage #batikyogya #batikgaul #batikmakasar #kainfashion #batikjepara #batikapik #batikbaru #filosofibatik #lestaribatikku #batiktrusmicirebon #pasarbatiknusantara #batiktulishalus #batikcap #batiksogan #batikindigo #batikistimewa #batikcetak