beeafriend beekind standupbeeheard stopbullyingnow beepositive smile beehappy beestrong savethebees bees flowers honeybees honeybee pollinators apismellifera bumbleandflourish nature spring beebrave beegenerous beekeeper beekeeping beesofinstagram conservation flora friendship honey kindnessmatters zealandiadesigns onslowsocks
اين عادتِ هر روزِ من است
فنجان قهوه اي دم ميكنم
پيش از آن كه بنوشم، مينشينم كنارشو مرور ميكنم. فكرهاي تكراري، دلتنگي ها، راه هاي نرفته ، روزهاي پيش رو و روزهاي از دست رفته... آنقدر قهوه رو نگاهش ميكنم آنقدر بويش ميكنم
تا همه ي افكارم با تصوير و عطرش از خاطرم رد شه...
شيريني هاي كوكي كره اي كنارش هم طبق عادت هر روزه دلبرانه خودنمايي ميكنند... انگار فقط بودنش تسكيني ست به تلخي قهوه ....
روزتون خوش رفقا☕️.
كار و بارتون پر رونق...
Surprise HaPpYs are so nice on Mondays! I believe that I have some of the kindest, most generous friends. My friend, @deanncc at @lillybeckjewelry had this made for me and surprised me today with it! Thank you DeAnn!! I am blessed to have such caring and thoughtful friends. #blessed #beeafriend #beekind #beethoughtful #beegenerous #beethankfulforfriends #friendlove #friendsmatter #kindnessmatters #tranquilhillapiaries #happygiving
Had a wonderful discovery on the bare earth underneath our mason bee house today- a mining bee searching for a spot to build a wee nest!
We have posted about this before, but it's a good time of year to remind native bee enthusiasts that not planting flowers in every available space can also help our fuzzy flying friends! Low traffic, sandy earth with good sun exposure is probably ideal, but we have seen these mining bees making the most of it wherever they can. Yay spring! Yay solitary bees!! #solitarybees #nativebees #wildbees #savethebees #beeafriend #beefriendly #protectthebees #fuzzyface #spring #gardenhelper #greenbeehoney