beezacpt beeza teambeeza capetown music hallo local villaintags beezalive rapper villainapparel interview hiphop keelo francofesty freemusic ontheup yeboyesya bossit compliments mitchelsplain villaincaps zombie capetownsfinest cruising francofesty2016 goodhopefm hiphopmusic artistsinsa
Rotten Luke Beats)
Directed and Produced by: Alfonzo Franke
Link in bio.
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@beezacpt @cdp_3rd_brother @keelo_savage
#Teambeeza #TarblakFilms #FonzoFilms #RottenLuke #BeezaCPT #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #reload #beezacpt #musicvideo #bnw #thevillage #strandfontein #director #DOP #editor
Mentally Trapped - Beeza, Keelo & C.D.P. (Official Music Video)
Link in bio.
Really enjoyed cutting this one. Been a wavy journey with the brothers of destruction Beeza Keigan Chad, deconstructing the conditions that defines us, where we from, one video at a time, uncovering more about ourselves and where we're heading.
P.S: If these narratives were produced in the realm of the political or fine arts, through a single photo, how would you have viewed this piece?
Much love to the king, dj Ready-D for collaborating with us, my creative sister Veronique Arendse, permy making a killing, Candice Franke for Tarblak Films home studio. Devon Petersen for the home bar. Jacky for the young wardrobe assist for Vee. A powerful yet jiggy cameo by kayleigh with the haircut. And everyone else putting in love & energies.
#mentallytrapped #musicvideo #alfonzofranke #beezacpt #keelo #cdp #tarblakfilms #afonzofilm #D.O.P. #director #editor #producer #creative #music #rapArt #rockRap #homestudio #homebar #mitchellsplain #hoodnarritives #capetown #southafrica