mozambique beira maputo nampula sofala maputocity quelimane zambezia chimoio manica mocambique xaixai capulana gruposoico inhambane kingbow lichinga maputomo maputomozambique mocambicana moza mozmaputo mrbow neymamusic pemba sergiofaife mozfashion africa modulo4
Infinite Vineyards.
#leicanistas #rangefinder #telemetrica #film #leica #leicam #streetphotography #doubleyedge #bnw #byn #spicollective #bnwphotography #leicahunter #independentphoto #wanderlust #pictorialism #leicagram #leicatravel #leicacamera #swiss #ilfordhp5 #ilfordfilm #hp5 #hp5plus #skimo #beira #vineyard #en2 #mototrip #portugal
Lee Bennett: We all enjoy watching hippo and we also enjoy watching lion. Watching both at the same time is even more special. Yesterday afternoon we stopped for a break at this exact spot and while there were no hippo or lion, we could hear hippo a short distance away and their tracks were in the mud. This morning both were there; nothing stays the same! The Muzicadzi River is still very full after the floods caused by Cyclone Idai but animals are very resilient.
#GorongosaRescueTeam #ciclone #cicloneidai #Mozambique #Beira #Gorongosa #humanitarianrelief #nationalpark #conservation #wildlifeconservation #gorongosaexperience #everydayclimatechange #climatechange #mozambique #climate #climatereality #africa #nationalpark #gorongosapark #gorongosa #gorongosanationalpark
São 420 jogos na história do confronto! Qual o mais marcante na sua opinião?
A página 421 dessa história será escrita no sábado (20/07). É Gre-Nal, e só quem é assinante #PremierePlay assiste ao vivo, às 19h. Assine já: LINK NA BIO
#Grenal #Gremio #Internacional #Inter #Beira-Rio #RenatoGaucho #Falcao #Guerrero #Everton #Lomba #Cuesta #Geromel #Andre #Maicon #Dalessandro
“My name is Alima Sualewe this is my house and my children. Everything has been destroyed with the wind. We sleep on the veranda now but the wind took our mats and our matress is soaked so we sleep on the floor all together. Every day it rains we tried to find some grass that is dry enough we can make a fire to warm up.” #ecoafrica #fridaysforfuture #childrensmarch #saveourplanet #mocambique #oneplanet #extinction #extinctionrebellion #georgemonbiot #natgeo #march #strike #strikeback #enviroment #climatechange #globalwarming #ourfuture #massextinction #protest #protestforclimate #beira #lovebeira #helpbeira #cyclonekenneth #kenneth #tropicalstorm #Repost @ilhafamiliamz with @get_repost
1,000 FEARED DEAD: The president of Mozambique says that more than 1,000 may have been killed by the Cyclone Idai, which slammed into the region four days ago; the powerful storm is believed to be the most destructive to hit the African country in more than a decade. #new #breaking #cyclone #cycloneidai #storm #mozambique #country #region #buzi #beira #weather #wx #flooding #aerial #worldnewstonight
The youth of Mozambique are rising - the youth of the global south are rising - we will follow their lead in internationalist solidarity! ✊ Follow them @ilhafamiliamz
Meet us 11am in Parliament Square for an incredible Internationalist Solidarity discussion for the International Day of Peasant Struggle - these are the voices who truly know rebellion and it is in working with them, sharing learning and uniting for global climate and social justice that we can truly transform society!
#beira #cycloneidai #climatechange #climatejustice #activism #youthactivism #extinctionrebellion #internasionalist #globalsouth #resistance #inspiration #mozambique #posters #signsforfuture #xryouth #wethechange
De doação para a construção da segunda padaria social na África.
Ainda da tempo de contribuir!!!!!
Quero agradecer a TODOS que contribuíram! Muito obrigado!
O meu coração se enche de alegria!
Dia 23 de julho embarco para África, primeiramente para cidade de Beira e depois para Quelimane, onde já temos um projeto consolidado.
Estarei disponibilizando aqui a conta do projeto, está em meu nome, mas é uma conta separada para este fim.
As necessidades são muitas, estarei chegando numa cidade devastada pelo ciclone Idai.
Obrigado mais uma vez a todos!
Link da campanha: Último dia.
Conta do Projeto:
Alex Duarte Ribeiro
Banco Bradesco
Agência: 2580-1
C/P: 1002074-3
CPF: 032.206.227-63
Vem comigo nessa!
#paodavida #ajudaafrica #africa #gastronomiasocial #socialgastronomy #padocadoalex #quelimane #beira #cicloneidai #projetopaesparatodos #fornoalenha #ajuda #pão #bread #artisanbread #tecnologiasocial #children #comidaquetransforma #fazsentido #minhamissão #levain
Cadê o amém da igreja?! Mais alto igreja... mais alto... De novo! Deus é lindo e agora é OFICIAL.
@itamaratygovbr @damaresalvesoficial1 @depalexsantana @depsamueljunior @jairmessiasbolsonaro @bolsonarosp
De Deus virá a recompensa sobre vossas vidas! Vocês ouviram e se importaram.
#CicloneIDAI #BEIRA #Brasil #SOSBEIRA #Moçambique #mozambique