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BREAKING: All three of Israel's main TV channels are now predicting that Benjamin Netanyahu will remain prime minister, forming his fifth government.
#israel #israenews #netanyahu #politics #trump #rightwing #jewish #trumpwon #israelelections2019 #benjaminnetanyahu #politicsnowadays #נתניהו #ליכוד #הליכוד #ישראל #בחירות #בחירות2019 #בניגנץ #יאירלפיד #כחוללבן
Tomorrow Israel will be voting for it’s 35th government! Will @b.netanyahu (Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu) continue to be Israel’s prime minister?
Born in 1949 Netanyahu is the chairman of the Likud party. Netanyahu was a commander in the Israel Defense Forces. He fought in the raid on Lebanon in 1968. He also fought in the raid on Yarden in 1968.
Born in Tel Aviv to secular Jewish parents,Netanyahu joined the Israel Defense Forces shortly after the Six-Day War in 1967, and became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit. Netanyahu took part in many missions, including Operation Inferno (1968), Operation Gift (1968) and Operation Isotope (1972), during which he was shot in the shoulder. Netanyahu fought on the front lines in the War of Attrition and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, taking part in special forces raids along the Suez Canal, and then leading a commando assault deep into Syrian territory.
Netanyahu achieved the rank of captain before being discharged. After graduating from MIT with Bachelor of Science (SB) and Master of Science (SM) degrees, Netanyahu was recruited as an economic consultant for the Boston Consulting Group. Netanyahu returned to Israel in 1978 to found the Yonatan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, named after his brother Yonatan Netanyahu, who died leading Operation Entebbe. Netanyahu served as the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations from 1984 to 1988.
Militares de Israel rumo ao Brasil
Embora pouco conhecido, existe um princípio divino que se inicia em Gênesis e prossegue por toda escritura: Deus abençoa os gentios através do povo Judeu.
#jairmessiasbolsonaro #bolsonaro #brumadinho #minasgerais #belohorizonte #brasil #israel #benjaminnetanyahu #brazil #elesim #eduardobolsonaro #carlosbolsonaro #michellebolsonaro #saopaulo #riodejaneiro #brasilia #militares #forçasarmadas #exércitobrasileiro #general #políciafederal #gsi
Eles são patriotas, coisa que muito politico não é!!! #conservador #patria #brasil #brasilacimadetudodeusacimadetodos #direita #mulherescombolsonaro #bolsonaro #nossabandeirajamaisseravermelha #ordemeprogresso #menosmarxmaismises #meupartidoéobrasil #olavotemrazão #chorapt #forapt #bolsonaropresidente #jairbolsonaro #jairmessiasbolsonaro #governo #governobolsonaro #estadosunidos #israel #donaldtrump #benjaminnetanyahu
"where can I see benjamin netanyahu's face?" - CA .
By @fikrikariri
#palestine #saveyerusalem #savepalestine #yerusalemibukotapalestina #savejerusalem #yerusalem #jerusalem #palestina #donaldtrump #captainamerica #hero #unitedstates #benjaminnetanyahu #oic #oki #erdogan #chrisevans #humanrights #unitednations #turkey #israel #pentagon #whitehouse #jihad #whpclassic #palestinamerdeka