beseen fitness ghostlifestyle bodybuilding shapethestate alphalete ciovita cycling cyclist fitnessmotivation gymlife workout cyclingpics fitfam fitlife gainz instacycling motivation stravacycling travel bicycle bikelife bikestagram explore fitnessaddict gymmotivation legend model muscle boomnutrition
I’d like to apologize to everyone for my lack of activity on social media the last couple weeks. I was really focused on my knowledge gains in school and was determined to give my finals all I’ve got. Now that I’m back from school for the summer I plan on bringing you guys a lot more content to help give you exercise and nutrition advice along with motivation so we can continue to attack our goals together. Tomorrow I’m going to post my leg day routine. BE READY
Exciting day today! Your girl has an appointment to get some highlights in her hair! I’ve never had aaaaany coloring in my hair everrrrr so I’m pretty pumped to see how it comes out! ♀️
Also going to get a muchhhh neeeeeded refill on my lashes
And lastly! If you play Apex on PC imma need you to let me know! I need some apex buddies!
I’ve been having all these amazing conversations about vulnerability this week all thanks to @brenebrown and her new Netflix special. I had seen her #tedtalks but I needed this reminder to show up for myself. I lose sight of that often. I need to forgive myself and let go of shame and old stories I have been telling myself. I need to allow myself to be seen fully no matter how scary that is. We are all worthy of the life we want and the love and gifts we bestow to others. #bebrave has been my longtime motto and I wholeheartedly lived it, leaping into new experiences I never would have before. I’ve shed so much, but there is still so much to go. It’s time for a new motto: #showup #livefully and #beseen #consciousness #kundalini #lawsofattraction #vibratehigher #empath #love #meditation #magic #authentic #loveyourself #knowyourworth #universe #soultribe #energy #healer #alchemist #spiritual #thirdeye #divine #unconditionallove #divinefeminine #yoniverse #intention #expression #vulnerability
Toasted sourdough bread topped with mashed avocado seasoned with salt and minced garlic + grilled halloumi cheese + sautéed tomatoes and chili peppers in olive oil + slices of radish.
#healthyfood #avocadotoast #beseen #vegetarian #halloumicheese #recipes #kitchen #huffposttaste