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Here is the list of top 9 apps for entrepreneurs. Some of these apps will help you with productivity and some will help you with soaking up the knowledge. Comment your favorite ones below!
Castbox is app for podcasts and audio books.
Photoshop is a program and app for content creation.
Medium is a platform where you can find articles about business and more.
Trello is app and platform for organizing and productivity.
Quora is a forum where you can ask a question and you will most likely get an answer.
Buffer is a social management platform for your social media business.
Evernote is an app for taking notes
Last pass is an app for storing your passwords and security files.
Slack is a platform for collaborations and teams. This is a perfect platform for organizing your team.
#bestapps #entrepreneurtips
#entrepreneurskills #businesstips
#appdevelopment #businessapps
Here is the list of top 9 apps for entrepreneurs. Some of these apps will help you with productivity and some will help you with soaking up the knowledge. Comment your favorite ones below!
Castbox is app for podcasts and audio books.
Photoshop is a program and app for content creation.
Medium is a platform where you can find articles about business and more.
Trello is app and platform for organizing and productivity.
Quora is a forum where you can ask a question and you will most likely get an answer.
Buffer is a social management platform for your social media business.
Evernote is an app for taking notes
Last pass is an app for storing your passwords and security files.
Slack is a platform for collaborations and teams. This is a perfect platform for organizing your team.
#bestapps #entrepreneurtips
#entrepreneurskills #businesstips
#appdevelopment #businessapps
What’s your favorite editing app? I used the same photo so you can see all the options you can do edit a pic with! Also I just added the purple background because the whole posts wasn’t showing so yeah!!
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Instagram is #5. Which other apps do you use?
via @cnbcinternational: This list is dominated by one social media giant, Facebook. But Chinese tech giants, specifically Tencent, might soon be ready to take Facebook's crown. What do you think of the rise of Chinese tech giants? Should their U.S. counterparts be worried?
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أغلبنا يعلم مدى أهمية قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي في التسويق الرقمي لأنفسنا ولمشاريعنا ومنصة الانستقرام تعتبر من أكبر المنصات الرائدة في ذلك واستغلالها بشكل ذكي ومنظم يوفر لنا ولمشاريعنا فرص نمو كبيرة وانتشار أقوى وأوسع ولكن في وسط زخم المنافسة والاحترافية كيف نلتزم يومياً بالنشر وصناعة محتوى مميز؟
لهذا في هذا البوست سأعرض عليك بعض التطبيقات التي تسهل عليك المهمة ومن بينها: ▫️▪️▫️▪️
☑️تطبيق جدولة المنشورات ونشرها أوتوماتكيا ومنها:
Later BufferPreview
كلها تطبيقات توفر لك على الأقل 30 يوم مجاني لجدولة منشوراتك أو ستوريات لكي لا تتعب يوميا في النشر.
☑️تطبيق تصميم منتجاتك وتعديل صورك ومنها:
Canva Crello Over app
كلها تطبيقات تساعدك على تصميم صور مميزة لمنتجك أو خدماتك ولاتتطلب منك مهارة في التصميم فهي مجانية وتوفر عدة قوالب.
☑️تطبيق تعديل فيديوهاتك بقوالب احترافية ومنها:
Horizon InShot FilmoraGo
توفر لك خصائص وقوالب كثيرة لفيديوهاتك وتعديلها ونشرها بأسلوب كالمحترفين.
☑️تطبيق لمعرفة أحسن أوقات النشر ومن بينها : Whentopost
هو تطبيق سهل الاستخدام يوفر لك أكثر الأوقات يتواجد فيها متابعيك والتي تكون مناسبة للنشر.
في الاخير أتمنى أن تساعدكم هذه التطبيقات وان شاء الله مستقبلاََ أنشر لكم تجمعيات تطبيقات أخرى
قم بالاشارة في التعليقات لاصدقائك الذين سيفيدهم هذا البوست
#تسويق #تسويق_رقمي #تسويق_الكتروني #تطبيقات #تطبيقات_ايفون #تطبيقات_أندرويد #تحفيز #تحفيز_نفسي #مشاريع_صغيرة #ادارة #ادارة_الوقت #ادارة_الذات #جدولة #تصميم #تطبيق #تنمية_الذات #تطوير_الأعمال #الجزائر #marketingdigital #apps #bestapps #algerie #marketing #marketingtools @arabicgaryvee @moataz_mashal
AFFIRMATIONS APP || APP DE MOTIVAÇÃO: 1º SEXTOU do ano trabalhando porque as metas não vão se realizar sozinhas! Mas com vinho, claro, porque eu mereço!
Uma das coisas que me ajuda a manter a motivação é um app chamado @thinkupapp, que fica tocando as minhas afirmações pra mim. Eu gravo as afirmações na minha própria voz e ele sobrepõe com musiquinhas gostosas. ✨
Entre minhas afirmações estão, "eu sou capaz de completar todas as minhas tarefas com energia" e "dinheiro diz 'sim!' para mim e eu digo 'sim!' para o dinheiro!". Porque tudo depende da nossa mente, não é mesmo?! ✨
O app é gratuito para baixar mas tem um fee mensal para usar todos os recursos. Pra mim, vale super a pena! ✨
First Friday of the year and I'm working because my goals won't reach themselves! But, of course, with a glass of wine because I deserve it.
One of the things that keeps me super motivated is an app called @thinkupapp. It plays back to me my daily affirmations, which I record in my own voice, with some nice background music. ✨
Among my affirmations are "I complete all my tasks with endless energy" and "I say 'yes!' to money and money says 'yes!' to me. After all, it's all about our mindset right? ✨
The app is free to download but has a monthly fee to unlock all its features. ✨
Photo @_silvestrelucas
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Take a look at the top apps of 2018 by monthly active users, according to App Annie.
The list is dominated by one social media giant, Facebook. But Chinese tech giants, specifically Tencent, might soon be ready to take Facebook's crown.
What do you think of the rise of Chinese tech giants? Should their U.S. counterparts be worried?
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