betheenergyyouwanttoattract lawofattraction bekind positiveenergy positivequotes 2dye4 2dye4clothing begrateful blackclothingline blackownedbusiness customtshirt fashiondesigner goodvibelife graphictees gypsypeddlers love madeinpdx oneofakind oneofakindtshirt pdxfashion positivity streetfashion streetstyle streetwearfashion supportsmallbusiness thinkpositivethoughts bethankful chiosgreece contemporarysouvenirs goodenergy jasagrafis
“ Belonging so fully to yourself that you're willing to stand alone is a wilderness -- an untamed, unpredictable place of solitude and searching. It is a place as dangerous as it is breathtaking, a place as sought after as it is feared. The wilderness can often feel unholy because we can't control it, or what people think about our choice of whether to venture into that vastness or not. But it turns out to be the place of true belonging, and it's the bravest and most sacred place you will ever stand”
Brené Brown
#selflove #wilderness #freespirit #wildheart #followyoursoul #livethesearch #trusttheuniverse #risingwomen #shakti #embodiment #freeyourself #selfknowledge #saltygirl #oceanchild #adventuroussouls #mindbodyspirit #connection #betheenergyyouwanttoattract #yogini #yogaoffthematt
Ph/ @ta.ka.c7
Do you think that we all just vibrate in different energy circles? Do you think that our souls are beams of light that do better with some energies and do worse with others? Do you think it might be about the way our vibrations attract or clash with one another?✨
What if we all just need to find the people that sync with our pulsing energy and then we can align, coexisting as perfectly as possible? What if it's all about our combining auras and we just coming into contact with energy that rubs us the wrong way but if we collectively researched it more we could find the most compatible energy and then attract that to us
What does your energy feel like? What energy do you know you sync well with? What energy do you not enjoy being around? What do you think? Lets mesh energies and talk about the vibrational current that the world invisibly thrives in!✨✨
#theuniversehasyourback #vibration #goodenergy #witchesofinstagram #higherconsciousness #psychicsofinstagram #astrologer #energyexchange #bodymindspirit #sourceenergy #raiseyourvibration #reiki #energycleansing #trustyourintuition #spiritualguide #frequency #synchroicity #metaphysics #lightbeing #luciddreaming #lightworker #thirdeye #spirtualawakening #aura #moongoddess #clirvoyance #shamanichealing #karma #betheenergyyouwanttoattract #chakras
Devi arrivare al punto in cui il tuo umore non cambia in base alle azioni e alle opinioni degli altri ↗️
#italy #whitebeach #livorno #whitesea #summer2018 #summer #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessgirl #fitnessmodel #fitnesslife #instafit #instafitness #fitnessfreaks #positivemindset #mindset #positivevibes #goodvibes #goodvibesonly #quotes #travel #travelblogger #travelling #aroundtheworld #photography #iphonex #loveyourself #betheenergyyouwanttoattract
« Le corps s’adapte à la contrainte qu’on lui impose »
Pour illustrer ce principe, je vous propose aujourd’hui une suite de schémas que vous comprendrez facilement.
. Contrainte ➡️ adaptation ➡️ résultat (➕ ➡️ stratégie de compensation ➡️ adaptation ➡️ résultats)
A la fin de la lecture , je vous encourage, si vous en avez l’envie, à vous poser devant une feuille et faire la liste :
1️⃣ : Des habitudes à mettre en place pour « compenser vos contraintes quotidiennes « néfastes » »
2️⃣ : Des contraintes que vous voulez mettre en place en fonction de vos aspirations
Ne pas prendre le mot « contrainte » pour quelque chose de forcément pénible. Remplacez ce mot par « stimulation » si vous préférez
Exemples :
Musculation 3 X par semaine (contrainte ) ➡️ adaptation du corps ➡️ croissance musculaire (résultat/aspiration)
Position assise prolongée devant un ordinateur ️(contrainte) ➡️ tension des trapèzes ➡️ douleurs cervicales/maux de tête (résultat) ➡️ Étirements et activité physique (compensation) ➡️ soulagement (résultats)
. ---
Fast-food 3 X par semaine (contrainte ) ➡️ niveau d’énergie bas ➡️ humeur instable (résultat).
Stratégie : Régime méditerranéen (Plant based diet) ➡️ bonne énergie ➡️ relations sociales meilleures
. ---
. Conclusion :
. ♻️ Choisir consciemment et stratégiquement les contraintes que l’on s’impose et s’adapter à celle que l’on nous impose = ! .
Et vous, quelles contraintes vous imposez-vous ?
PS : L’esprit s’adapte aussi à la contrainte qu’on lui impose
HappY WednesdaY⠀
What are some things/people you are grateful for this month? Share with us below⠀
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#stayhumble #bekindtooneanother #betheenergyyouwanttoattract #bethechangeyouwanttosee #positiveenergy #positivespirit #selfawareness #bemindful #smilemore #attitudeofgratitude #thegramgang #sheislight #gritandvirtue #risingtidesociety #textron #femalepilot #aviatrix #instagramaviation #flygirl #wednesdaywisdom #chickswhofly #femalepilots #womenwhofly #girlswhofly #yesgirlsfly #flylikeagirl
Love is the most powerful force in the universe. I love everything and everyone, even those who don’t like me. Love keeps me happy and healthy and brings me so many blessings. (you may think that sounds selfish - well duhhh ❤️) there’s an abundance of it and enough to go around for everyone. Always be #zen Let’s show each other #loveandrespect #betheenergyyouwanttoattract #positivethinking #lovelovelove #blessedlife #zen #happythoughts #iloveyouall ❤️❤️❤️ I’d love to hear your thoughts on this