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Flank with the Ross Mk
Credit: @daveisbackagainxbox
AKA Platoon (@alsoknownaka)
@foxholeeliteofficial (@foxholeelitegaming)
#gaming #BF1 #Xbox #Xboxone #xboxonex #instagaming #fortnite #PUBG #BF5 #BF4 #BattlefieldV #gamer #sniper #Battlefield1 #reddit #gaming4life #gamerforlife #ps4 #Ps4 #Xbox360 #ps4pro #console
If this happened to me, I’d quit . Got bored and started hunting snipers on TDM. PSA: Pay attention to the damage indicator. #battlefield #battlefield5 #troll #trolling #xbox #ps4 #battlefieldv #battlefield1 #bf5 #gamingsetup #military #video #gamestagram #instagamer #funny #follow #game #games #gaming #gamer #lol