bfchallenge2019 bfbamboofamily bfbamboochallenge2019 bambooproducts future kierr bambootoothbrush bambuproducts tulevaisuus muutos
Be in the center of attention with your super cool, ecological, biodegradable bamboo toothbrush Share picture of yourself with your bamboo toothbrush purchased from us, with #bfchallenge2019 and we will #reshare it in our feed Let´s make world happy by reducing it´s plastic waste, together!⠀
#bfbamboofamily #bfbamboochallenge2019 #bfchallenge2019 #bambooproducts #bambooisthenewblack #infashion #future
#BFCHALLENGE2019 is calling! We are challenging everybody to join us in our fight against unnecessary plastic! All you need is a bamboo toothbrush. And we have them!⠀
Get to know our challenge on our websites and whyle you are at it, buy yourself a bamboo toothbrush of your own✌️Link in Bio!
#bfbamboofamily #bfchallenge2019 #bfbamboochallenge2019 #bambooproducts #bambootoothbrush #bambuproducts #kierrätys #recycling #tulevaisuus #future