americanmama biblebabiesbarbells faithdriven familyoffaith jerehmia2011 militarylife navywife raisethemstrong mamabear warriormama babiesandbarbbell boymamalife farmfresh forthewholefamily holisticnutrition lifeoffreedom mamaboss mamaoftwo mamastrong myfitpregnancy toddlerapprovedfood warriortribe warriorwomen bootcamptribe mypostparumjourney bootcamptribe
The human body is AMAZING. 3 years ago I found a healthy & fit lifestyle that is REALISTIC. >>> NOT a fad diet
>>> NOT a quick fix
But something that made me FEEL confident + beautiful + restored a happiness in me that I had lost. Which was exactly what every bride wants before this big day!
Now pregnancy & postpartum has its ups & downs with emotions + energy + motivation but I have always had an accountability group to keep me going every step of the way.
During this pregnancy I ended up gaining about 35 pounds again. Did I workout everyday? HECK NO! Honestly I probably took it more easy this time than last time BUT I was also chasing that 1st born around & at 38 weeks prego that’s a workout in itself!
Did I have cravings? ABSOLUTELY! I still do & to be completely honest I probably always will! But after 1 week postpartum I’m down 19 pounds & I’m already starting to feel like myself again from keeping up with my health!
I had an easy + normal + borderline boring pregnancy again... Followed by a little CrAzY but AMZING all-natural labor experience! Something that was a BIG GOAL of mine this pregnancy! In which I give all the credit to the continued consistency + ease of my healthy & fit lifestyle!
Although I’m NOT cleared to workout yet I am getting that itch to! I learned the hard way my last postpartum journey what working out to early can do so I’m really trying to listen to my body better this time. I’m getting in some walks & just trying to be as active as I can with my kids going to the park + other fun little play date stuff!
I’m focusing on the nutrition side of my journey with my FIT Camp & all my boot-campers! In my FIG Camp you’ll get short effective workouts + delicious meal plans + nutrition + accountability to keep you on track!
If you’re wanting to FEEL confident + get in shape + lose 5-15 pounds + tone up + start your journey on a healthier lifestyle drop a below or message me.
We start Prep May 3! Are you ready to join us #biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mypostparumjourney
They grow so fast.
And that phrase seems both so TOTALLY true & so TOTALLY false at the same time... Because in the day-to-day of it nothing seems fast at all.
A meal can take an eternity.
A sleepless night a lifetime.
And yet everyone says so.
So I want to hold him in my arms a little longer today because already my baby is gone... Already there is a little boy in his place. One day not to far in the future there will be an older boy in his place. Then a teenager. And finally a young man.
Can’t believe 1 week has come & gone! It has TRULY felt like the l o n g e s t but in actuality one of the fastest weeks of my life. The hustle & bustle of motherhood X2 is no joke!
Really & truly I have always thrived in the CrAzY + chaos... The constant GO-GO-GO is my “happy place” & I have to really force myself to take it easy + slow down + give myself a break... The next few weeks are going to be hard & there is going to be a lot of transitions + challenges - we are already experiencing some with our oldest... But like any mama can tell you... This phase too shall pass. So enjoy every second of it while you can... Because they do grow so fast!
#biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mypostparumjourney #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
24 hours #postpartumbody
Even for someone who TRULY understand the importance of + practices positive self-talk & self-love... Who KNOWS that the body - especially a women’s body - is amazing... Who HAS personally experienced “bouncing back” after having a baby & knows that it is 100% possible with the right tools + time + grace... Seeing this picture is STILL HARD!
I had no idea my husband snapped it of me & when I first found it scrolling through A L L my hospital pics I won’t lie I was mortified!
Add to that my oldest son coming up to me & rubbing my belly saying... “baby baby”... my heart broke!
But as I continue to look at this picture I fall in L O V E with it more & more!
This body just delivered a healthy & happy baby #allnatural which was one of my BIGGEST goals for labor & deliver. #accomplished because of the work I did mentally + physically leading up to it!
This is MY #postpartumjourney & I’m so excited to share it with you all BUT also would L O V E for you to join me on it... NO MATTER what age your baby is - YOU CAN feel comfortable in your own skin again.
I have the tools + I have the knowledge + I have the experience to help you!
My next FIT Camp starts May 6 if you want in drop a below or check out my FITNESS HIGHLIGHTS for how to get signed up!
God Bless.
#biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mypostparumjourney #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
McKall Keith
Born Saturday morning @ 9:06 am. Weighing 7 lbs 11 oz & 19.75 in long.
It was a very VERY fast labor & delivery
Because someone a long time ago thought YOU are worthy of being saved so he made the ultimate sacrifice.
#biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
His GRACE #biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
#biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
IT’S OFFICIALLY BABY MONTH!! #37weekspregnant❤️ today
Update because this will be my last bump pic on here until I have baby boy OR girl!
The past 9 months have been long but also FLOWN by. I’ve been very blessed to have a pretty easy + boring pregnancy again. BUT I give all that credit to just taking care of myself the past 3 years & getting to a place spiritually + mentally + emotionally + physically that I needed to be for life as a #mamaof2
33 pound weight gain for me & baby - who is weighing in at 5 lbs 14 oz as of 2 weeks ago when we did an in depth ultrasound to check on his/her progress. I’ve had contractions YES real ones not just Braxton-Hicks starting back at 33 weeks. More swelling here towards the end of this pregnancy than I did with Little Man. What helps me get through both though is honestly continuing to workout! Not doing the more extreme workouts like I was still doing with Little Man at this point but REALLY listening to my body & doing a lot of prenatal workouts that I have access to with my at home/on-the-go workouts! See my stories for one today that I did at the base gym... I started my Nutrition Certification training today & will be focusing on that for the next month or so as I go from pregnancy journey to postpartum journey! Nutrition is always the key to success in your health & fitness journey which is why my SELF-CARE SPRING Bootcamp that started today is ALL ABOUT IT - yes workout are optional... So if you are wanting/needing help in the kitchen let me know! I will provided you all the tools I have used + some the last 3 years to go through 2 pregnancy & stay in the best shape of my life!
Together we got this!
God Bless.
#biblebabiesbarbells #faithdriven #familyoffaith #raisethemstrong #jerehmia2011 #militarylife #navywife #americanmama #warriormama #mamabear #boymamalife #mamaoftwo #myfitpregnancy #mamastrong #babiesandbarbbell
#holisticnutrition #farmfresh #forthewholefamily #toddlerapprovedfood #mamaboss #lifeoffreedom #warriortribe #warriorwomen #bootcamptribe
3 years ago.... Hubby & I just found out “officially” we were pregnant with Little Man! I had been busting my booty trying to get in shape for our wedding that was just about 3 short months prior... #posthoneymoonbaby
3 short months before that though is when I started my at home workouts + simple & easy nutrition + drinking a superfood packed shake everyday bc #teachercoachlife was leaving me little time to look & feel the way I wanted to on our wedding day OR just about myself in general! I wasn’t 100% on it all especially for being just a 21 day program but at this point again I had little time & nothing to lose #moneybackguarntee
Prior to this I was using the schools teacher workout room before or after school - did about 30 minutes of cardio on the track & 30 of weights OR I was “Pinteresting” things to do at home... I had some idea what I was doing nutrition wise bc it’s something I went to school for but in combination it wasn’t working!
After the 1st 21 days I had fallen in love! In love with the short & effective workouts. In love with the nutrition because I didn't think you could have results & still have alcohol + carbs... seriously I was Keto before Keto was a thing... AND in love with the incredible support I got from my bootcamp!