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Featuring : @kremdela - Just a lil city in a lil ball .
Check out this amazing photographer's profile to know him/her better as a photographer!
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Hashtag - #citybizarre
Follow - @city.bizarre
This little one hung out at my desk for 3 days, suffered 3 changes on the eye and 2 on the mouth, before it matches the the idea in my mind. Because these pocket animals (at only 3" from head to torso) are so small, every stitch changes the expression drastically. They take a long time to complete . This grey kitty's part of a collection coming soon.
#exoticshorthairkitten #stripedcat #noisybeakcat
Nice lens what does it do?
#lens #lenses #portraitphotography #portraits #prettydoll #portraiture #prettylens #contactlens #barbielens #portraitpage #portraitmood #videomaking #bigeyes #videocam #dslrcamera #dreamcolor #bigeye #videocamera #makeportraits #kittykawaii #sweetylens #fashionlens #bigeyethailand #vassen #dueba #contact #ポートレート #kittykawaiibigeye #bigeyekittykawaii #cameras