bioplastic sustainable design sustainability zerowaste biodegradable plasticfree ecofriendly compostable nature 3dprinting vegan 3dprint additivemanufacturing algae architecture bioart bioplastique ecologie greenlife zerodechets zerowastefrance 3dmodel 3dmodels 3dprintable 3dprinted 3dstampa additive ecoarchitecture
~~New Skins~~ New Sites ~~ Material Intimacies ~~ Re-imagining materials and processes of making w agar and other biopolymers — I’ll be continuing to experiment w recipes and adding to the Bioplastics Cookbook ++now online for >>Planetary Glitch<< for the next month! Let me know if you’d like to stop by the studio @b4bel4b or if I should host another workshop - and what materials you’d like to explore with me! #bioplastic #bioplastics #biomaterials #bioart #cookbook
happy earth day! It’s a long one today but read it all because it’s important. The other day, a local business served a drink to a family member in this cup. At first i was intrigued and visited the manufacturers website to find out more. Here are my thoughts. This cup is not ‘plastic’ but i could easily have the same impact of a plastic cup. PLA or Polylactic Acid is a bioplastic made from cornstarch in this case and is the most popular iteration of bioplastic. This cup is biodegradable only in controlled conditions found in industrial composting which means it must be disposed of responsibly in the correct way because this cup would not have a chance of biodegrading in a natural environment or in landfill. Bioplastic is definitely not a replacement to traditional plastic due to the likelihood of it following the same path to landfill or in our oceans. I appreciate the technological innovation required for a product like this but i would rather businesses promoted the use of reusables and for individuals to evaluate their plastic usage and reduce where you can.
Another topic similar to this is that recently i’ve seen petitions and such about macdonald’s change to paper straws, which is a great step for such a huge company, and for them to bring back their plastic straws. These petitions have had thousands of signs and it’s baffles me. The conversation on climate change and plastic pollution is bigger then ever before and i cannot explain the disgust i feel when i see things like this, how can people be so ignorant about the world around them! anyway, a recap: bioplastic isn’t the saviour of plastic pollution, businesses should promote the use of reusables and people should educate themselves on the state of the earth and change their actions accordingly.
#lesswaste #environment #globalwarming #zerowastescotland #zerowaste #carbonfootprint #lowimpact #lowimpactmovement #lowimpactliving #carbon #climatechange #environmentalscience #passonplastic #noexcuseforsingleuse #reduce #reuse #recycle #lesswastewarriors #vegan #plasticfree #sustainable #glass #noplastic #bioplastic #macdonalds #straws #gretathunberg #extinctionrebellion #environmentalscience
Check out this much needed alternative for regular plastic bottles by @forthebettergood_ ! They are actually made from renewable plant crops, such as corn, potatoes and sugarcane! This makes them compostable and safe to use many times! More infos on their page! ➡️ What do you think? Comment below // Tag your friends!
Nuestras experimentaciones buscan generar materiales con texturas, colores y formas únicas. No todo es funcional, a veces sólo buscamos crear algo hermoso.
En la imagen, un prototipo de bioplástico en base a algas, teñido con extracto de calendula e incorporando pétalos de la misma flor en el nuevo material.
Our experimentations are looking to generate materials with new textures, colors and unique shapes. Is not all functional, sometimes we just want to create something beautiful.
On display a calendula algae bioplastic, dyed naturally with the flower and using the petals to create this new material.
#koi #koifish #calendula #algae #bioplastic #art #craft #biomateriales #biomaterial #newmaterials #biofabrication #biodesign #bioplasticos #valdivia #valdiviacl #chile #sur
Fresh from Dutch Design Week, these colourful bioplastic experiments are made from wheat gluten and can be cut like rubber or stitched like leather. Developed by designer Petra Lilja and material researchers Dr Ramune Kuktaite and Bill Newson, they’re part of stand-out exhibition @whatmatter_s || @sarah_housley
#ddw18 #bioplastic #sustainability #plasticalternative #sustainabledesign #materials #materialexperiments #wgsnlifestyle
Criança ganha muito brinquedo de plástico. Se cuidar, dura, mas mesmo assim me incomoda porque plástico é um material pouco sustentável.
Estou em Barcelona com a família e conhecemos uma loja chamada @aupa_organics com brinquedos infantis, um mais incrível que o outro.
A Manu esta na fase de querer cozinhar, então escolhemos esse que é feito de #canadeacucar . É legal porque é uma fonte renovável e limpa de energia e também #biodegradavel (se decompõe quando jogado fora). Acho legal incentivar esse tipo de produto porque é uma forma de aumentar a procura e, futuramente, obter preços bem mais acessíveis. As pessoas não compram ainda porque é caro, mas é caro porque pouca gente compra: difícil fechar essa conta.
Manu ficou encantada com a panelinha e já cozinhou “muitos legume” ♥️. #microrevoluções #microrevolução #microrrevolucoes #barcelona #ecotoys #biodegradable #greentoys #sugarcane #dantoys #bioplastic
We decided to make our HeroEcoBottle our cutest baby bottle yet Hopefully it will make it a bit easier for you to make a more sustainable choice. It's the first glass baby bottle with a bioplastic top in the world✌️ The impact resistant glass has a soft, protective silicone sleeve filled with HeroPower to give you the ultimate grip. The breast-like HeroTeat is designed to feel as natural as possible for the baby which lets your baby eat with a more open mouth, compared to other baby bottles. It's also the reason why we can say that we have a double anti-colic system. The soft bumps closes the gap at the corners of the mouth which keeps your baby from swallowing air or drooling. The air valve prevents vacuum from creating inside the bottle. We know that 97% of babies love it ⠀
Do you know a mom struggling with bottle feeding? Spread the word so that we can help even more parents around the globe ❤️⠀
#HeroEcoBottle #Babybottle #Glassbabybottle #pink #baby #bottlefeeding #sustainable #sustainability #sustainablecompany #climate #bioplastic