birchbarkcontainer birchbark bushcraft birch береста handmade birchbarkbasket primitiveskills bushcrafting udmurtskayarespublika izhevsk koreneva_beresta svetlanakoreneva udmurtia бер живоеремесло ижевск удмуртия birchbarkbox живыетрадиции craft сохраняятрадиции традицииродногокрая vladimiryarish bushcraftnederland courses fundamentals siegurd преемственностьпоколений
Выворот сколотня. #живоеремесло #живыетрадиции #традиционныетехнологии #традиционнаяберёста #преемственностьпоколений #изучаясохраняю #сохраняятрадиции #традицииродногокрая #удмуртскиетрадиции #изпрошлоговнастоящее #удмуртскаябереста #такделаливстарину #береста #берёста #birchbark #birchbarkcontainer #tues #сделановудмуртии #Ижевск #Удмуртия #izhevsk #udmurtia #udmurtskayarespublika .
#koreneva_beresta #svetlanakoreneva
From time to time I need a break from spoon carving, so I do other projects, like this birch bark container, I need it for my coffee.
The process is going well, the bark is nice and clean, and soon it will be ready and up for the task. .
#greenwoodworking #birch #birchbark #birchbarkcontainer #greewoodcarving #sloyd #axeandknife #berlin #bushcraft #coffeecontainer #goodmorning #break
Had some fun with this one... has anyone ever seen an amanita on a birch bark canister before? -karrah
Canister holds ¾ cup, 4.5 inches tall
#amanita #mushroom #birchbark #birchbox #birchbarkcanister #näverburk #näverburkar #craft #sloyd #milkpaint #birchbarkcontainer #treen #newwoodculture #handmade #handcarved #fungi #nature
В наличии береста для туесов, тавлинок и других изделий.
Birch bark for containers and other products.
#природныйматериал #naturalmaterial #береста #birchbark #birchbarkbox #birchbarkcontainer #outdoor #bushcraft #woodcraft.
По вопросу сотрудничества пишите в Direct
On the question of collaboration please write pineforest in Direct.
Процесс застегивания традиционного берестяного замка на верхней рубашке будущей тавлинки. Полагаю, этот момент интересен многим.
#живоеремесло #живыетрадиции #традиционныетехнологии #традиционнаяберёста #преемственностьпоколений #изучаясохраняю #сохраняятрадиции #традицииродногокрая #удмуртскиетрадиции #изпрошлоговнастоящее #удмуртскаябереста #такделаливстарину #береста #берёста #birchbark #birchbarkcontainer #tues #сделановудмуртии #Ижевск #Удмуртия #izhevsk #udmurtia #udmurtskayarespublika .
#koreneva_beresta #svetlanakoreneva
Finally ... made my first birchbark-container. Although I photographed many container workshops over the last years, I never cam around to make one myself. ☺️
Last Saturday my wife and I participated in the workshop given by Usually I'm one of the assistant instructors, but it's great to be a participant every now and than...
So after all this time I worked on my first one. What a great material this bark. And the crafting was so very relaxing... Think a new bug has bitten me... .
I'm pretty pleased with the result (for now... )... Hope there will be many more to follow.
#berkenbast #berkenbastpot #berkenbastcontainer #handwerk
#realcraft #thenewwoodculture #slöjd #handmade #maker #craft #greenliving #sustainableliving #sustainabledesign #slowdesign #slowliving #crafting #birch #birchbark #birchbarkbasket #birchbarkcontainer
DAY 1 - Veliki Novgorod / Russia.
What a nice man and what an amazing craftmanship! Vladimir is one of the best known birch bark teachers in the world but you will not notice it in the first place because he is a very humble person... but then!!! When he speaks about the different projects and tells you what you can do with bark and especially when you see him at work! Then you will see many years of experience. It’s a hard teacher and that’s what I like. Tomorrow we will be working from 10.00 to 22.00
#primitiveskills #siegurdnl #siegurd #bushcraft #bushcrafting #bushcraftnederland #workshop #workshops #courses #fundamentals #birch #birchbark #birchbarkbasket #birchbarkcontainer #russia #velikiynovgorod #vladimiryarish
Bark container and scoop commission now safely with their customer in time for xmas. 7” high and designed for loose leaf tea.
I enjoy working with bark so much. Its so time consuming from sourcing, felling, and peeling the trees from less than perfect UK stock, to pulling off all the fit and finish. But its worth it in the end, and quite relaxing and thought-full work, compared to heavy carving.
#birchbarkcontainer #birchbark #barkcraft #woodculture #woodworking #woodcarving