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Seriously, all of these are awesome, I take Black Seed Oil daily for sure. Turmeric works better with black pepper, it activates it’s power, but if you have anything...and I mean anything going on with your sinuses, or respiratory, even strep throat...I can definitely stand behind Oil of Oregano... it works within the hour! Great for any type of candida also, will get rid of a yeast infection, and not just cover it up. These work to RID your body of dis-ease, not pacify it , and cause other problems.
The Violet x @blackseedbagels ‘East Bay’ sandwich has officially launched, and we’re pretty excited to be part of BSB’s infamous monthly collaborations! ♀️
For the month of April, chef @matthewshyland has created the ‘East Bay’ sandwich filled with chorizo, egg, provolone cheese, and grilled kale with banana peppers. Available all month-long across all Black Seed locations
Miqdam ibn Ma’d reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“There is no vessel which the son of Adam can fill that is more evil than his stomach, for it is enough for him to take a few bites in order to straighten his back. Yet if he is overcome by appetite, then he may fill it with a third of food, a third of drink, and a third of breath.”
(Ibn Majah 3349)
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Black seed tea. Easy to make. Easy on the pocket and highly beneficial but forgotten and neglected. ⠀
So why is black seed tea so good then? ⠀
Black seed tea is really good because not only do you get the benefits of black seeds but you also get hydrated by the water and alot of todays illnesses are triggered merely by not getting enough water (dehydration). So the combination of black seed water and honey is very powerful.⠀
Black seed tea is beneficial for soo many health issues and you can give it to your children too.⠀
The Prophet ﷺ said black seed is a cure for every disease except death and new studies attest to this every day.⠀
It should be noted that a study conducted at the United Arab Emirates Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics determined that heated Nigella Sativa seeds contain the same potency as raw seeds, meaning that boiling them does not diminish any of their nutritional content.⠀
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Prophetic medicines that are good for the heart are:⠀
• Talbina (Barleyflour) - The Prophet ﷺ said: “Talbina gives rest to the patient's heart and makes it active and helps relieve your pain and sorrow.” (Bukhari) In a study Barley was said to ‘significantly lowers bad cholesterol, reducing risk of heart attack and stroke' ⠀
• Ajwa Dates - Regular consumption of Ajwa dates prevents constriction of the blood vessels, strengthens the heart and improves cardiac functioning.⠀
• Olive Leaf helps reduce cardiovascular functioning by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.⠀
• Olive Oil prevents strokes and heart disease.⠀
• Black Seed reduces blood pressure and cholesterol boosting heart health. The Prophet ﷺ said: “Black Seed is a cure for every disease.” (Bukhari) ⠀
• Ginger is an anti-inflammatory blood thinner, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and prevents coronary heart disease.⠀
• Aloe Vera can lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol, reduce triglycerides, lower blood pressure, and stabilize heart rhythm.⠀
• Honey lowered LDL cholesterol, blood triglycerides and raised HDL cholesterol. Honey also lowered Homocysteine, another blood marker associated with disease.⠀
All the above are available on my Etsy shop. If you need further help comment or DM.⠀
#propheticmedicine #medicineoftheprophet #sunnahremedies #muslimfamily #hijabfashion #hijab #hijama #hijamatherapy #hijamah #sunnah #shifa #islam #muslim #muslimah #allah #islamicreminder #islamichealth #islamicquotes #islamicparenting #islamichomeschooling #ibnqayyim #salafiyyah #zamzam #blackseed #ajwa #oliveoil #oliveleaf #barley
Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“This (seeking medical advice) does not contradict tawaakul (putting one’s trust in Allah), just as warding off hunger, thirst, heat and cold does not contradict tawakkul. The essence of tawaakul is not complete without resorting to the means which Allah has set out in order for us to achieve results both according to His decree (qadr) and His laws. Not using these means is contrary to tawakkul: it goes against and undermines the command and wisdom of Allah, although the one who neglects the means may think that this makes his tawakkul stronger. Ignoring the means is a sign of helplessness that goes against the true essence of tawakkul, which is that the heart relies on Allah to bring the slave whatever will benefit him in this world and the next, and to protect him from whatever may harm him in this world and the next. But along with this reliance, it is essential to take the appropriate means, otherwise he will be going against the wisdom and command of Allah. Helplessness should not be taken as a sign of tawaakul, nor should tawakkul make a person helpless.”
Zaad Al-MaAad, 4/15
““And if Allaah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things.”
(Quran 6:17)
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Ibn Taymiyyah said:⠀
. ⠀
“And Satan is a whisperer who withdraws, if the servant makes remembrance of his Lord; he withdraws, and if he becomes negligent in remembrance of Him; he whispers. It is due to this that the abandonment of the remembrance of Allaah is a reason as well as a basis for the descent of false belief and corrupt intent into the heart.”⠀
Majmu’ Fataawa vol 4 p.34⠀
And he also said:⠀
“Silence void of recitation or dhikr (remembrance of Allaah) or du’a (supplication) is not worship, nor has it been commanded with. Rather it opens the door to whispering, therefore preoccupation with the remembrance of Allaah is better than being silent.”⠀
Majmu’ Fataawa vol 23 p.285-286⠀
So if you are suffering with waswas then recite more Quran and make lots of dua such as the one above as Ibn Qayyim said:⠀
“The Qur’aan is a cure for that which is in the chests, a repeller of that which Satan casts into it by way of whisperings and desires and corrupt intents.”⠀
Ighaathatul Lahfaan vol 1 p.157⠀
#propheticmedicine #medicineoftheprophet #sunnahremedies #muslimfamily #hijabfashion #hijab #hijama #hijamatherapy #hijamah #sunnah #shifa #islam #muslim #muslimah #allah #islamicreminder #islamichealth #islamicquotes #islamicparenting #islamichomeschooling #ibnqayyim #salafiyyah #zamzam #blackseed #qust #costus #sunnahfood
Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله said:⠀
With regard to the Prophet’s guidance concerning drinking, it is the most perfect guidance that maintains good health. He used to drink honey mixed with cold water. This is very healthy and no one can understand how healthy it is except the most prominent doctors. For drinking honey on an empty stomach dissolves phlegm, cleanses the stomach, reduces its viscosity, washes away waste matter, warms it up a little and opens its inlet and exit. It has a similar effect on the liver, kidneys and urethra. It is more beneficial to the stomach than any other kind of sweet that enters it. However it may cause side effects in people who are suffering from jaundice because it is hot and jaundice is hot, so it may aggravate it; in order to avoid this effect vinegar may be added, then honey will become beneficial and drinking it will be more useful than many or most of the drinks that are made from sugar, especially for those who are not used to these drinks, for if they drink them they will not suit them as well as honey does, or even come close. ⠀
With regard to drinking it when it is collected and well-prepared, this is one of the most beneficial things for the body, and one of the greatest means of preserving health; it is very refreshing and energizing, and it is good for the liver and heart. If it is well-prepared it provides nutrition and makes food reach all parts of the body in the most effective manner.”⠀
Zaad al-Ma’aad, 4/224, 225 ⠀
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