blueeconomy oceanconservation climatechange marinepollution blueoceansconferenceliberia liberiansforoceanconservation natureisspeaking ourliberia savelibseas sustainablefishing trashtag plasticfree future ocean circulareconomy zerowaste ambition bienetre blueeconomyke digital ecologie edeni empreintecarbone environnement inspiration kenya minimalisme motivation onmeritedeseformer bocasliteraryfestival
Archibiotect Vincent Callebaut is in the research and development stages of a 3D printed oceanscraper called ‘AEQUOREA’. The futuristic underwater farm for climate refugees is situated at the the Rio de Janeiro shore and aims to find sustainable solutions to climate change by promoting sea life. The project proposes to recycle the ocean plastic pollution and to transform the floating garbage patches into building materials for the naval architecture and engineering. #floatingcity #climaterefugees #climatechange #floating #community #navalarchitecture #3dprinting #greatpacificgarbagepatch #urbanfarming #urbanfarm #oceanscraper #permaculture #aquaponics #algae #recycledplastic #riodejaneiro #brazil #refugees #climatechangeisreal #vincentcallebautarchitectures #green #onu #nato #europeancommission #future #blueeconomy #blueplanet #makeourplanetgreatagain
Archibiotect Vincent Callebaut is in the research and development stages of a 3D printed oceanscraper called ‘AEQUOREA’. The futuristic underwater farm for climate refugees is situated at the the Rio de Janeiro shore and aims to find sustainable solutions to climate change by promoting sea life. The project proposes to recycle the ocean plastic pollution and to transform the floating garbage patches into building materials for the naval architecture and engineering. #floatingcity #climaterefugees #climatechange #floating #community #navalarchitecture #3dprinting #greatpacificgarbagepatch #urbanfarming #urbanfarm #oceanscraper #permaculture #aquaponics #algae #recycledplastic #riodejaneiro #brazil #refugees #climatechangeisreal #vincentcallebautarchitectures #green #onu #nato #europeancommission #future #blueeconomy #blueplanet #makeourplanetgreatagain
[RECETTE DU JOUR] Brownie aux haricots rouges
Une recette testée lors de la dernière soirée de clôture de la promo #8, et qui a été redemandée ! ⠀
Pour réaliser la recette, tu auras besoin d'une petite casserole, d'un mixeur et d'une tasse comme unité de mesure. Il te faut donc une tasse de haricots rouges crus (préalablement trempés), de #laitvegetal , de sucre, de farine ou flocons d'avoine, un 1/2 sachet de levure et une tablette de chocolat (2 pour les gourmand·e·s). Place à la réalisation, très simple :
1️⃣ Fais fondre ton chocolat.
2️⃣ Pendant ce temps, place tous les ingrédients dans le mixeur puis ajoute le chocolat fondu.
3️⃣ Mixer la préparation jusqu'à obtenir une pâte onctueuse.
4️⃣ Mets ta préparation dans un moule et hop au four pour 1h à 180° ! ⏳⠀
Petit conseil : si tu prépares ton propre lait végétal, pense à récupérer ce qu'il reste ! C'est de l'okara, on s'en servira pour réaliser une autre recette... mais plus tard ! ⠀
Et si tu veux connaitre nos meilleures recettes, testées et approuvées par nos alumnis, c'est possible en te rendant dans le lien en bio ! ⬆⠀
#repost @thislifeasjasmin #onmeritedeseformer #crowdfunding #recette #brownie #blackbeanbrownie #plasticfree #ecologie #refuser #zerowaste #blueeconomy #bienetre #edeni #empreintecarbone #digital #recyclage #recettedeni #zerodechet #ambition #santé #perturbateursendocriniens #pleineconscience #minimalisme #inspiration #motivation #success #environnement #DIY
Archibiotect Vincent Callebaut is in the research and development stages of a 3D printed oceanscraper called ‘AEQUOREA’. The futuristic underwater farm for climate refugees is situated at the the Rio de Janeiro shore and aims to find sustainable solutions to climate change by promoting sea life. The project proposes to recycle the ocean plastic pollution and to transform the floating garbage patches into building materials for the naval architecture and engineering. #floatingcity #climaterefugees #climatechange #floating #community #navalarchitecture #3dprinting #greatpacificgarbagepatch #urbanfarming #urbanfarm #oceanscraper #permaculture #aquaponics #algae #recycledplastic #riodejaneiro #brazil #refugees #climatechangeisreal #vincentcallebautarchitectures #green #onu #nato #europeancommission #future #blueeconomy #blueplanet #makeourplanetgreatagain
Wearing your Tallis jumper by the sea is not the only way to make your next holiday more sustainable. Read our 6 easy tips to plan an environmentally-friendly trip to the beach, from what sunscreen to choose to how to manage your wardrobe. Link in bio
Responsible travel is happy travel ⛵♀️
#responsibletravel #ecotourism #sustainabletravel #slowtourism #recycledplastic #beatplasticpollution #ditchtheplastic #recycledplasticbottles #reefsafe #reefsafesuncare #reefsafesunscreen #saveouroceans #marineconservation #blueeconomy #togetherwecan #worldoceansday
Archibiotect Vincent Callebaut is in the research and development stages of a 3D printed oceanscraper called ‘AEQUOREA’. The futuristic underwater farm for climate refugees is situated at the the Rio de Janeiro shore and aims to find sustainable solutions to climate change by promoting sea life. The project proposes to recycle the ocean plastic pollution and to transform the floating garbage patches into building materials for the naval architecture and engineering. #floatingcity #climaterefugees #climatechange #floating #community #navalarchitecture #3dprinting #greatpacificgarbagepatch #urbanfarming #urbanfarm #oceanscraper #permaculture #aquaponics #algae #recycledplastic #riodejaneiro #brazil #refugees #climatechangeisreal #vincentcallebautarchitectures #green #onu #nato #europeancommission #future #blueeconomy #blueplanet #makeourplanetgreatagain
#BlueBioValue blue business accelerator scales up projects that:
-empower a #circulareconomy
-feed a growing population with #sustainable food systems
-adapt to #climatechange & mitigate CO2
-reduce plastic production & pollution
-preserve biodiversity
Apply today link in bio.
#economy #ocean #marinebiology #blue #blueeconomy #oceano #portugal #lisbon #biotech #biotechnology #sustainability #future #conservation #bluenaturalcapital #tech
Citizens, sailors, and scientists have observed the seas for centuries. First from the shore, then from ships and submersibles, and recently from satellites. Along the way, scientists and engineers learned that they could sometimes leave instruments in the ocean, including AUVs. These two profiling gliders will be replacing those currently collecting data at the #OOI’s Pioneer Array. #Glider #MarineGlider #oceanography #OceanScience #Engineer #Engineering #BlueEconomy #WHOI with @nsfgov