bluesargentcosplay bluesargent theravencycle cosplay theravencyclecosplay trccosplay theravenboys bookcosplay thedreamthieves bluelilylilyblue gansey theravenking maggiestiefvater ganseycosplay richardgansey blue bluesey bluecosplay adamparrish adamparrishcosplay cosplayer gangsey noahczernycosplay ravenboys ravencycle richardcampbellganseyiii ronanlynchcosplay theravenboyscosplay germancosplay adamparrishcosplay
#trc #theravencycle #theravenboys #laprofeciadelcuervo #loschicosdelcuervo #bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #trccosplay #theravencyclecosplay #pynchcosplay #ronanlynch #adamparrish #richardgansey #tengohambrequealguienmedecomida #maggiestiefvater
[Art credit to @italiano_biscotti ]
"Today, Blue thought, is the day I stop listening
to the future and start living it instead."
I've been in love with TRC book series for two years now but I still I haven't finished The raven king :').
I'm so amazed specially at the characters, you know, THE RAVEN BOYS AND BLUE (Ronan and Blue are my favs tho) I just adore them.
He estado enamorada de la saga de La profecía del cuervo durando dos años pero todavía no me he podido terminar El rey cuervo :').
Estoy alucinada especialmente por los personajes, ya sabéis, LOS CHICOS DEL CUERVO Y BLUE (Ronan y Blue son mis favs) Simplemente les adoro.
#trc #theravencycle #theravenboys #laprofeciadelcuervo #loschicosdelcuervo #bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #trccosplay #theravencyclecosplay #pynchcosplay #ronanlynch #adamparrish #richardgansey #tengohambrequealguienmedecomida #maggiestiefvater
"Fate," Blue replied, glowering at her mother, "is a very weighty word to throw around before breakfast."
I wanted to use the prostitute quote but I don't look angry enough for that
#bluesargentcosplay #bluesargent #theravencyclecosplay #theravencycle #theravenboys #bluelilylilyblue #thedreamthieves #theravenking #theravenboyscosplay #czechcosplayer
Longing burst from the pages, in every frantic line and every hectic sketch and every dark-printed definition. There was something pained and melancholy about it.
Should've put some bronzer on my fuckin knuckles
#bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #trccosplay #theravencyclecosplay #theravencycle #theravenboys #thedreamthieves #bluelilylilyblue #theravenking
At the moment I'm editing the trc pics we took at LBM and I'm still not over this precious, fun and wonderful group
Look at super adorable & badass Blue: @tsuyanya
Adam plus edit: me
Wonderful photo by my nerd @dancingsmily ❤️
#trc #theravencycle #ravencycle #bluesargent #adamparrish #trccosplay #ravenboys #adamparrishcosplay #bluesargentcosplay #cosplay #bookcosplay #books #maggiestiefvater #ravenking #dreamthieves #lbm #lbm2019
"Well behaved women seldom make history" - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Happy #internationalwomensday! To celebrate one of my favorite fictional feminists (and because I can't post Ginny /again/) here's some Blue. She's showing you the way to a future where women don't earn 16% less than men, women aren't treated as objects by society, and women's achievements are valued the same way as men's.
Adam Parrish - @_the_love_witch
Blue Sargent - me
Pic by @shelipost
#womensday #feminism #feminist #feministcosplay #cosplay #theravencycle #theravencyclecosplay #trc #trccosplay #bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #adamparrish #adamparrishcosplay #theravenboys #theravenking #bluelilylilyblue #thedreamthieves #bookcosplay #germancosplay
"Blue wasn't interested in telling other people's futures. She was interested in going out and finding her own."
Our TRC pics from #fbm are in and I'm IN LOVE. Blue was a long time coming, and I felt so comfortable wearing her, I may have found a new fave cos. Quote on the button is from As You Like It, if anyone cares.
Adam is @glittrghost
by the wonderful, wonderful @choco_decadence
#theravencycle #theravencyclecosplay #trc #trccosplay #bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #adamparrish #adamparrishcosplay #maggiestiefvater #theravenboys #theravenking #bluelilylilyblue #thedreamthieves #cosplay #bookcosplay #frankfurterbuchmesse #fbm17 #fbm2017 #frankfurtbookfair
The Raven boys, Maggie Stiefvater
No one marked April 25 on their calendar. In fact, most of living were unaware that St Mark even had day named in his honour.
But the dead remembered. •
Do této fantasy série jsem šla s tím, že to bude něco, co mě posadí na zadek. Nečekaně se to Maggie Stiefvater podařilo. Když jsem si četla anotaci, tak jsem čekala, že hlavním bodem knihy bude romantická linka mezi Blue a Ganseyem, ale autorka ji brzy přesunula na druhou kolej a věnovala se spíš začínajícím kamarádství mezi Raven boys a Blue. Vše probíhalo tak realisticky, což mě strašně potěšilo, protože nesnáším instant love a všechny tady ty vztahy na první pohled. •
Z postav si mě nejvíc získal Gansey, Ronan a Blue. Gansaye jsem si hned od první kapitoly z jeho pohledu zamilovala. Postava Ronana si mě nejvíce získala při scénách s havranem. S Blue to bylo komplikovanější. Nejsem zrovna fanynka takových těch přechválených hlavních hrdinek (Feyre, Aelin, Jude...) a proto jsem Blue ze začátku moc nemusela. Nakonec si mě ale přesto získala. •
Knížku vám moc doporučuju a to jak v češtině, tak i v angličtině. Autorka píše úžasně a poutavě, ale ne nijak složitě, což je výhoda.
#ravenboys #bluesargent #bluesargentcosplay #maggiestiefvater #trees #forest #cosplay #instantcosplay #henrietta #ravencycle #bookstagram #bookworm #knihomolka #ukazcoctes #prokrastinujictenim #dnesctu #nature