bodypositvity body bodypositive fitness blackgirlmagic fashion loveyourself selflove altboy altgirl bodpositve bodytransformation booty cuteemo cutegirl dyedhair emofeatured emogirl emohair emoteen girlboss goth gothgirls gymlife hair kawaii legs cuteemo
No one should have to ‘put a brave face on’ being truly brave can be admitting to yourself or others that you’re having a difficult time it’s important to carry all we’re aware of during #MentalHealthAwarnessWeek and apply it to everyday so the stigma ends and we can concentrate on healing rather than covering up
“The past is your lesson, the present is your gift, the future is your motivation”- unknown
Sometimes we need little reminder to appreciate the journey we are in now and be thankful for what our bodies have achieved and what are they are capable of! Don’t get too caught up on I’m not where I thought I would be, or that silly little number on the scale but instead focus on those just as important non scale victoriesyou’ve achieved since your journey began!
Maybe you now drink more water and stopped drinking soda , maybe you get more sleep now and go to bed at a decent time, maybe you’ve increased weight on your exercises, or maybe you eat more veggies now at each meal! Whatever it is let it be your present and be thankful for it. But also let it be your motivation to keep making those small little steps forward to healthier stronger YOU
#progressnotperfection #fitmom #embraceyourjourney #fitmomof2 #transformation #loveyourbodynow #bethankful #fitlife #bodypositvity #healthyandhappy #mariunfiltered
Another huge shout out to all of you who participated in the #begooddogoodfeelgood challenge last week-in whatever way you did!
You guys know, I’m super big on “training” from the inside out. I know most of you probably follow me for my workouts and/or food ideas, which I also love doing, but that’s not why I made this account. I want you to see my username pop up on your feed, and be reminded of how special and how capable you are. You’ve got to realize that. If you don’t, you’re never going to be happy with your “fitness” or “body” progress/results.
I’ve said it in my bio, and I’ll say it again, you HAVE to train your mind first, then your body will follow.
If your mind doesn’t appreciate any and all of the hard work, or good things you do, it will certainly never appreciate your body. You could end up being the “goals” you always wanted, and not even recognize it if your mind is caught up in past negativity.
Rant over. You are loved and you are incredible.
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#gymsharktrain #discoverunder10k #discoverunder5k #beavisionary
There are times in our lives when we prioritize different things.
In my early 20s my main identity was “model”, looks were very important to me. Not only to make a living but for self worth.
I won’t apologize for that because it was what it was.
However I can tell you that I now prioritize very different things.
My main identity is first and foremost “Jenna” which is enough as is but I get to add mom, wife, and business woman to the mix.
Here’s the thing — anyone can choose to have their looks be the most important thing about them.
You get to choose whatever you want for your life.
But I’m tell you one thing.
When looks are your focus, contentment never follows.
You might notice no matter how much weight you lose, no matter how successful a diet is (which is pretty rare), no matter how “toned” you get, it’s never enough.
There are just new “flaws” that you find.
When you truly tap into the truth, which is that your looks are the least interesting thing about you, you tap into what truly makes you happy and fulfilled.
I now spend my days thinking about important things - the great work we do, my baby, my husband and all the other amazing people and things in my life.
If you’re looking for weight loss or the “right” diet to fix what feels broken or fill what feels empty, I can tell you right now, it will never work.
So what does work?
I still want to feel good and I value my wellness! — we get that, which is why we are introducing The Balanced Body Method ©️ .
This is the way out of dieting and into a fulfilling life of balance and feeling good in your body.
Click the link in bio to learn more about why we aren’t teaching Intuitive Eating Anymore.
Are you done with the diets .
#bodypositive #bopo #yycwellness #haes #selfloveisthebestlove #effyourbeautystandards #postpartum #bodylove #fourthtrimester #embracethesquish #healthyisthenewskinny #ihaveembraced #antidiet #antidietculture #balanced #youaintyourweight #bodypositvity #loveyourbody #nomorediets #intuitiveeating #worthoverweight #balancedlife #nomorediets #ditchthediets #mombod #balanceddiet
We did this post about larger bodies and I think it’s important to do it about smaller bodies.
When you see a smaller body it’s easy to think sometimes that they’ve just got something figured out that you don’t, that they must be really disciplined and be doing the “right things”.
Some people just have smaller bodies (us included).
I promise you we aren’t automatically eating less and exercising more than someone in a larger body.
But we can beat ourselves up when we think we should be in smaller bodies too.
This is why it’s important not to judge bodies. We truly don’t know what people are up to and we don’t need to.
We just need to take care of OUR bodies in the way that feels good to us and then your body is going to do what your body is going to do.
Do you feel bad about your body when you see others in smaller bodies? .
#bodypositive #bopo #yycwellness #haes #selfloveisthebestlove #effyourbeautystandards #jennycraig #bodylove #weightwatchers #embracethesquish #healthyisthenewskinny #ihaveembraced #antidiet #antidietculture #balanced #youaintyourweight #bodypositvity #loveyourbody #nomorediets #intuitiveeating #worthoverweight #balancedlife #nomorediets #ditchthediets #nondiet #theundiet
I think we can all agree - some people are just naturally thin. It doesn’t seem to matter what they do they are just thin their whole lives...
Okay, so where did we go so wrong that that is the only “naturally” occurring body type there would be.
If you’re bigger than thin it’s seen as something to fix.
Can’t we just accept that all different body sizes could just be natural?
What do you think? .
#bodypositive #bopo #yycwellness #haes #selfloveisthebestlove #effyourbeautystandards #jennycraig #bodylove #weightwatchers #embracethesquish #healthyisthenewskinny #ihaveembraced #antidiet #antidietculture #balanced #youaintyourweight #bodypositvity #loveyourbody #nomorediets #intuitiveeating #worthoverweight #balancedlife #nomorediets #ditchthediets #nondiet #theundiet
Three states of happiness. -Gerade sind wir an einem Café vorbei gefahren und ich musste daran denken, wie ich Juli 2017 mit einer Bekannten dort saß, frisch von der Intensivstation entlassen- knapp 40 kg bei einer Größe von 1,72m.
Ich habe geweint, ich war hoffnungslos, ich hatte kein Vertrauen in mir, ich dachte, ich könnte nie in meinem Leben ein unterstes Normalgewicht aushalten, geschweige denn mir vorstellen jemals mehr zu wiegen, als ich es jemals in meinem Leben wog. „Das Gewicht ist nicht alles“ glaubt mir, diesen Satz habe ich so oft im Leben gehört, nie konnte ich ihn annehmen, es glauben, dass man jemals von dem Gedanken wegkommt, dass das Gewicht bzw. Aussehen nebensächlich werden könnte.
Leute! Glaubt mir, es wird der Tag kommen, an dem ihr -wie ich, realisiert, dass das Gewicht Nebensache ist. Das es viel(!) wichtigere Sachen im Leben gibt. Das Gewicht macht nicht euer Glück aus, vor allem nicht wenn ihr es nicht euer Glück ausmachen lasst.
Der Tag wird kommen, an dem ihr zufrieden sein werdet, ob ihr nun- wie ich- einen wundervollen Menschen kennenlernt, der euch überglücklich macht. Ob ihr nun den Job bekommt, in dem ihr richtig aufgeht. Ob ihr umzieht und euch in der neuen Umgebung wohlfühlen werdet. - was auch immer, worauf ich hinaus will -
Die Zeit bleibt nicht stehen, IHR bleibt NICHT stehen. Ihr verändert euch, Umstände verändern sich, euere Einstellung verändert sich. Glaubt mir, der Tag wird kommen. -Oder seid ihr heute noch traurig als euch als Kind gesagt wurde ihr dürft das Spielzeug, was ihr unbedingt wolltet, nicht bekommen oder weil es nicht jeden Tag euer Lieblingsessen gab?
Trotzdem seid ihr jetzt da wo ihr seid, ihr habt euch weiterentwickelt, ihr habt an Erfahrungen gewonnen und ihr lebt(!). Ihr habt das Glück auf dieser Welt sein zu dürfen und die Möglichkeit euer Leben so zu gestalten wie ihr wollt.
Was hält euch noch auf glücklich zu sein?
Aber bitte behaltet euch immer im Hinterkopf - ihr seid gut so wie ihr seid und schön so wie ihr seid!
@robert.11219 Danke- Danke mein Schatz, danke das du mir in so kurzer Zeit das Gefühl gegeben hast, mir geholfen hast auch anzunehmen, dass ich gut und schön
Hello lovely followers.
How do you track your progress ‼️ photographs are a great way in my opinion
I would recommend this over weighing yourself for a few reasons:
1️⃣ WATER RETENTION. Water retention can lead to significant fluctuations in weight that can disguise your progress
2️⃣ MUSCLE GROWTH. Muscle weighs more than fat and so you could be getting stronger but weighing more.
If you are going to weigh yourself my only advice would be to pick the same time each day to deal with fluctuations the best time is first thing in the morning.
But really I would go by photographs and the way you FEEL❤️ do you feel happier, more energised and stronger? Follow my page and hopefully you will