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I started this beautiful book by Lynne Kelly @lynnekkelly & so far I am loving the story. The main character, 12 year old Iris, is deaf. I can’t think of another book I’ve read with a deaf main character. It’s very interesting reading her thoughts & frustrations while communicating with others. The background story on whale, Blue 55 is also very interesting. This book is needed on all library shelves. It’s available now, so grab a copy to add to your classroom library too! #BookVoyage #mglit #kidlit #mrsmontjoyreads #iteach #iteachtoo #iteach4th #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #iteach456 #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers
“Witches were a bit like cats. They didn’t much like one another’s company, but they did like to know where all the other witches were, just in case they needed them.”✨
Tattoo; finished.
Hair; cut off.
Dragon; awoken.
Stolen my fathers armour and off to save the world; on route.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bookworm #bookblogger #bookvoyage #booksandtattoos #thegraces #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchreads #witchbooks #witchtattoo #laureeve
A choose-your-own adventure that will keep you on your toes and have you thoroughly entertained. Carlos needs your help to solve his mystery of helping his mother’s detective business when she comes down with the flu! This is the first in Lauren’s series and I promise your kids will DEVOUR them! Out August 14! #Iteachfourth #iteachfifth #mglit #teacherswhoread #bookrecs #blog #kidlit #books #bookvoyage
Not feeling the best today so I'm enjoying my @bookvoyageuk treats in bed and reading. The chá gorreana from Portugal was a comforting black tea made sweet with milk, and the popular umbrella sweet by @chocolatesregina was a surprisingly tasty solid chocolate. Just what I need right now! What are you all reading?
Don't forget to use PARDONMYWRITINGS10 for 10% off when you subscribe to a monthly @bookvoyageuk ✨ @buzzfeed recommends it for the "inspired and empowered readers".
I left my notebook with my 2017 Book Challenge at school, but I've read a lot this year, over 100 books, so I'm good with that. Check out what I've read. What have been your favorite books of 2017? If you'd like to download this awesome bookshelf design, check out my friend's TPT store and get ready for 2018!!! @farming4knowledge #mrsmontjoyreads #BookVoyage #mglit