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What was the most difficult thing for you to learn when you started with programming?
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Have you used Bootstrap?! Comments Section is your best friend
Enroll in Bootstrap4 Course with the Link in @programmerplus Bio!
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Working on a layout of a simple store page on a graveyard shift
#100daysofcode #webdesign #html5 #bootstrap4 #webdevelopment #webdesigner #webdeveloper #webdev #websitedesign #webdesigners #css #javascript #jquery #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #business #coding #coder #codingisfun #coding #stayawake
Front-End Web Developers VS Designers
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PHP Practice + Uni Assignment ✌
PHP Programming
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@andreassterneer ・・・
Well being sick sucks.. Haven’t done anything productive for 2 days now...
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8b Online Website Builder | Books Preview Template!
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For writers and book resellers, there is this writer template with cards that display books covers and captions with titles and prices. You can put your books there and make them look the way you want.
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