bracketleo gunpla gundam plamo kitbash hgacleo gunplacommunity bandai bandaiamerica customgundam gundamcommunity gundamcustom gundamhg gundamuc gunplacustom metalcolor missionmodelspaints mobilesuit mobilesuitgundam mrhobby weathering gundamwing tallgeese nippon aftercolony dobergun gruntsuit hgleo smallgeese crossbonegundam
Womp womp. Lost by 7 votes in round one 158:165, but stoked to have participated.
Def helped me overcome that first-step paralyzing fear of leveling-up to airbrushing & customizing (vs. just snapping together model kits).
Learned a lot, esp about the type of build look that gets votes & the importance of an initial photo.
Kudos to the builders moving on to the next round, & to all who participated. Some great creativity / attention to detail.
Thanks to all who took time out of your not-even-being-aware-of-model-building-nerdery lives to vote, & thanks to @NewTypeHQ for throwing a rad contest.
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #scorchedmetal #biggulp #slurpee #patienceisaflex
Oh hey the @newtypehq model building contest judging is now live. You've gotta create an account w/ the sponsor retailer, but there's some quality work from the builders on display. ... (also linked in my IG profile)
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #scorchedmetal #biggulp #slurpee #patienceisaflex
7-Eleven Smallgeese, dedicated to the cool 7/11 special edition Gundams I saw during our visit to Japan, w Big Gulp flamethrower / Slurpee propellant tanks representing American products that never took off overseas - appropriate for a Gundam Wing mobile suit like the HGACLEO considering its success here on Toonami introducing Gundam to the US. ...
Annnd I’m done w my 1st custom build & 1st contest entry. ...
Not anywhere close to perfect, but a great deal of techniques I learned online certainly worked out better than I’d hoped. (apologies in advance for the repost once the @newtypehq build contest goes live). Now on to a Master Grade custom!
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #scorchedmetal #biggulp #slurpee #patienceisaflex
Ok one last matte coat before final assembly/ tonight’s photos. ...
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #scorchedmetal #biggulp #slurpee #patienceisaflex
BigGulp flamethrower / Slurpee propellant (gloss coat for decals / weathering, matte coat for final to reduce glare)
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #scorchedmetal #biggulp #slurpee #patienceisaflex
Stoked about n how my home-printed waterslide decals look (on light surfaces, anyway). Still evaluating my first airbrush detail attempt to give HeatRod “whip” that repeatedly heated / cooled look.
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese #heatrod #scorchedmetal #patienceisaflex
Ok first clear coat and panel lining done. Feeling optimistic about decals and final light weathering.
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese
Ok finally coalescing towards my initial vision. Front skirts are more Gundam-like now to fit the 7/11 special edition. A few paint touch-ups, a couple more colors for weapons, then on to clear / decals / clear / panel lines / clear / light weathering & shading / matte clear.
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony #dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711 #711gundam #711 #smallgeese
Learning to trust masking tape and an Exacto blade. And to always print out the color mock-up.
#oakland #gundam #ガンダム #gunpla #ガンプラ #plamo #プラモ
#nippon #hgacleo #hgleo
#gundamwing #ガンダムウィング #aftercolony
#dobergun #tallgeese
#キトバッシュ #gruntsuit #ザク
#HGACLEO #bracketleo
#711gundam #711 #smallgeese