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Злата очень любит книги,листает, смотрит,может почти час сама просидеть,но просто терпеть не может когда ей читают.Видимо надо ждать,когда сама читать научится,вот такая самостоятельная А Ваши дети любят,когда им читают? #нашаЗлата#самостоятельная#сказкинаночь#любимаядоча#нашапринцесса #читаемкниги #дочкисыночки#bravofamily
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The amount of love you will receive is nothing compared to what you have given me in a day. The most pure love there is between a mother and a child, my true love. I promise to never fail you as a mom because you deserve it all. Welcome to the world Hendrix Mason Bravo. Born on October 5th at 1:34 am 6lbs . 20 hours of labor that were more than worth it. #bravofamily #librababy #iloveyou
WOW! What an honor! THANK YOU @usweekly magazine for this beautiful feature! I’m forever grateful that I had the opportunity to share my journey with all of you. Five years ago, a small-town girl from Mississippi left her home for Hollywood and never looked back. Along the way, she explored her talent with such dedication, determination and passion for her life’s purpose. It was all a dream, I used to read up Us Weekly magazine! LOL!! Some of my fondest memories of my childhood revolved around getting a new subscription of Us Weekly. I remember imagining myself being in it! OH MY! I felt important, special, and as I reminisce about the whole thing while writing this post, I’m grinning, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, and my eyes are welling with tears of joy. Pinch me, I’m dreaming! Life is so unpredictable, but God is AMAZING!! Emily, I thank you so much for the fabulous exposure you gave me! I knew that one day: I’m going have an inspiring story to share. ❤️ Check out @usweekly Instagram story and please Share!!!! Thank you all for allllll the love and support!! ❤️❤️❤️ #GodIsGood
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