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«Congratulations Joanie! @joanbenoitsamuelson ran within 40 minutes of her 1979 winning time at the Boston Marathon! She ran 3:04.00, beating her goal by 11 mins and easily winning her age group! We are so proud of you!»⠀
Truly inspirational from ♀️ @joanbenoitsamuelson! ⠀
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Boston Herald⠀
So let the sappy #sober post commence. 6 years. 6 years ago I decided alcohol had no place in my life. I share my story because I’m passionate about #BreakingTheStigma of alcoholism and addiction. I wasn’t one who went to rehab, I didn’t lose “everything” (could have if I kept it up), I never drank alone at home and for all intensive purposes things looked ok from the outside. Maybe you knew me and never thought I had a problem. Either way, I drank to not think, not feel, not have aniexty in social situations and most importantly to forget. For the last year, before I quit, I found myself doing all of those things on a whole other level. I was a social drinker that turned into a drinker who wanted to numb herself. I want to share my story more. I don’t know how, but you’ll see a lot more about my journey. Sobriety doesn’t fix everything. I have bad days, bad weeks...hell after 6 years bad months. But I haven’t gone to a bottle to cope. This isn’t’s WORTH it.
Congratulations #beautifulmama @curvy__mama on 6 YEARS SOBER!!
So let the sappy #sober post commence. 6 years. 6 years ago I decided alcohol had no place in my life. I share my story because I’m passionate about #BreakingTheStigma of alcoholism and addiction. I wasn’t one who went to rehab, I didn’t lose “everything” (could have if I kept it up), I never drank alone at home and for all intensive purposes things looked ok from the outside. Maybe you knew me and never thought I had a problem. Either way, I drank to not think, not feel, not have aniexty in social situations and most importantly to forget. For the last year, before I quit, I found myself doing all of those things on a whole other level. I was a social drinker that turned into a drinker who wanted to numb herself. I want to share my story more. I don’t know how, but you’ll see a lot more about my journey. Sobriety doesn’t fix everything. I have bad days, bad weeks...hell after 6 years bad months. But I haven’t gone to a bottle to cope. This isn’t’s WORTH it.
Doin' the 6 year dance for @curvy__mama!
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So let the sappy #sober post commence. 6 years. 6 years ago I decided alcohol had no place in my life. I share my story because I’m passionate about #BreakingTheStigma of alcoholism and addiction. I wasn’t one who went to rehab, I didn’t lose “everything” (could have if I kept it up), I never drank alone at home and for all intensive purposes things looked ok from the outside. Maybe you knew me and never thought I had a problem. Either way, I drank to not think, not feel, not have aniexty in social situations and most importantly to forget. For the last year, before I quit, I found myself doing all of those things on a whole other level. I was a social drinker that turned into a drinker who wanted to numb herself. I want to share my story more. I don’t know how, but you’ll see a lot more about my journey. Sobriety doesn’t fix everything. I have bad days, bad weeks...hell after 6 years bad months. But I haven’t gone to a bottle to cope. This isn’t’s WORTH it.
And do you know what that was okay. Her body and mind thanked her......
#womenshealth #endometriosis #endofatigue #itsalifestyle #restwhenneeded #itsokaytorest #periods #periodeducation #womenshealth #womenshealthmatters #nomoreperiodtaboo #periodtalk #menstruation #menstruationmatters #periodpositive #breakingthestigma #nomoreperiodtaboo
#PMS #Periodpositivemovement #hormones #hormonehealth #hormonesupport #healthhappyhormones #periodsbelike #ladyparts #ladybusiness
Hai Sobat TABU, kita lanjut ngebahas tentang cuti haid, yuk!
Oya sebelumnya, supaya lebih jelas, kata cuti haid disini lebih merujuk kepada izin untuk tidak melakukan pekerjaan.
Cuti haid ternyata udah diatur di pasal 81 ayat 1 UU No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan. Pada UU tersebut disebutkan kalau pekerja perempuan dalam masa haid yang merasa sakit dan memberi tahu atasan, tidak wajib bekerja pada hari pertama dan kedua. Sementara itu pasal 81 ayat 2 mengatur bahwa pelaksanaan ketentuan pada Pasal 81 aya 1 itu diatur dalam perjanjian kerja, peraturan perusahaan, atau perjanjian bersama (antara karyawan dan perusahaan).
Berdasarkan isi UU di atas, perlu ditekankan bahwa hanya perempuan yang merasa SAKIT selama haid hari pertama dan kedua aja yang bisa mengajukan cuti ini. Beberapa perusahaan mungkin akan memberlakukan kebijakan yang berbeda. Misalnya, di perusahaan A bisa mengajukan cuti haid tanpa harus ada keterangan surat dokter. Di perusahaan lainnya kamu mungkin hanya bisa mengajukan cuti tersebut dengan tanda bukti surat dokter kalau kamu sakit haid. Hal ini dilakukan agar mencegah kecurangan yang dilakukan karyawan.
Terus gimana dengan gaji?Apakah dipotong?
Jawabannya, enggak. Menurut pasal 93 No. 2 (B) pada UU yang sama, perempuan yang mengambil cuti haid karena sakit dalam masa haidnya akan tetap mendapatkan upah.
Eh, btw, banyak gak sih karyawan perempuan yang tahu tentang UU ini?
#breakingthetaboo #breakingthestigma #sexed #sexeducation #pendidikanseks #kesehatanseksual #kesehatanreproduksi