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Das Herbstmädchen schläft gerade ein, da es heute tagsüber kaum geschlafen hat. Ich genieße die Ruhe. Das Beerchen ist mit dem Papa noch eine Runde Pfützen patschen.
Diese kleinen wenigen Momente der Zweisamkeit mit meiner Tochter versuche ich immer ganz bewusst zu genießen. Dieser kleine warme Körper mit dem zarten rotblondem Haarflaum. Die Grübchen, wenn sie lächelt. Die süße Schnute, wenn sie wie so oft am erzählen ist. Die Spuckebläschen, die sie vor Begeisterung beim Spielen macht. Wie sie mir entgegen kommt, wenn ich sie hochhebe. Ihre kräftigen kleinen Finger, die schon ordentlich zupetzen können. Der spiralförmige Bauchnabel. Hach
Ich sehe sie an und bin immer noch ganz erstaunt, ein weiteres Kind in meinen Armen zu tragen und so viel Raum dafür in meinem Herzen zu haben. Als hätte man unendlich viele Türen, die man einfach nur öffnen muss. So unendlich viel Liebe und Raum.
#herbstkind #hebammenkind #novemberbaby2018 #novemberbaby #5monate #momlife #instamom #stillen #stillenistliebe #breastfeeding #brelfie #breastisbest
I get asked often if I became a midwife because I love babies. .
Funny thing is, aside from catching the baby (which sometimes that’s mom or dad’s job), during their newborn exam is about the only time I ever touch a baby. .
Babies do significantly better when they’re handled less and held close with their mother. It can be tempting to touch, hold and smell those babies, but fostering the relationship between mom, dad, baby and siblings is where the true magic happens. Baby stays warm, baby breathes better and sleeps better, improves the nursing relationship...the list goes on. .
Midwifery is definitely about the baby, but so much more about woman. .
Educating, loving and serving the woman so she can love and nourish her baby
PC: @conlee.arpin
I’m currently writing my weekly shopping list (a never ending story for parents, I guess) but try and add shopping for holiday essentials and half of your day is easily gone! First things first! Nappies!! As we are always on a quest for sustainable products for our family, I was thriiilled to learn that these nappies are made from 100% renewable energy from wind energy in Bessakerfjellet, Norway!! They feature adorable prints such as sloths, otters and llamas (we looove the llamas!) and I just ordered a generous stash from @bootsuk My first tick on the shopping list is done ✅
Pamper's Pure nappies are made from Premium cotton and contain Plant Based Materials from Sugarcane and are currently priced at £6 at (awarded a Which? Best Buy)
Now, where was I...Trying to pack my kids’ luggage @pampers_uk_ire #purepioneer #pamperspure #mumstyle #dresslikeamum #freethefeed
We have made it 9 months exclusively breastfeeding and I really think we can make it to a year! These past few mornings I have ditched my morning coffee and replaced it with @sexymitea Postnatel Mommy Tea and I can’t believe how much more energized I feel. PLUS it helps with my milk production. This boy loves his milk so I have to be able to keep up with him Use code JAEL10 to save and right now they’re having a special Mother’s Day buy one get one sale!