buddyrocks love exchangestudents iambuddy itmo itmobuddy itmouniversity saintpetersburg students tutors university wearebuddies wearestudents бадди итмо санктпетербург тьютор университет университетитмо вмсм ресурсцентр росмолгрант itmostudents music springsemester2019 fashion issabirthday birthday ghgems queen exchangestudents
So thrilled to have this little mutt in our lives. We were unsure of what we were taking on by adopting the "sickly" one of the rescued litter. Emaciated, hit with parasites the hardest of the bunch, the runt of the pack...so much was stacked against him. I knew my heart, nor my family's hearts, couldn't handle another loss so soon after Molly but something inside kept saying that we could do this; that we were the ones to help this guy out. I'm so glad we did! He has brought so much joy into our home already! #nationalmuttday #buddyrocks #buddythebear #buddythebrave