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What you cannot see is the wind... and 100 meter drop ⚠️ Shot with the Insta360 One X on the Invisible Selfie Stick and Bullet Time Handle. Settings: Bullet Time Mode. Manual Exposure. ISO 100. Shutter Speed 1/500. White Balance Sunny. Log Mode OFF.
#insta360 #insta360onex #360camera #360view #camera360 #360vr #vr360 #360cameras #360video #actioncam #360cam #360 #video360 #lifein360 #360world #filmmaker #letsveer #ownthemoment #actioncamera #360videos #fisheyelens #fisheye #360life #overcapture #360degrees #bullettime #beachyhead #eastbourne #beachyheadcliffs #england
Watch this crazy shot
How do you feel as if you’re my yoyo?
Filmed by @insta360
Clothes: @dollynoire_japan & @xlargejp
#instagram #insta360 #insta360onex #その瞬間を掴め #yoyofactory #loop720 #shutakada #spiderman #spidermanintothespiderverse #bullettime #skywalker #tricking #parkour #dollynoire #xlarge #sunflower #avex
Sometimes the sun has exactly enough space to peek through the clouds tip-to-tip, and sometimes... that's all it takes. A tiny #sliver for me to #imagine Chasing the Sun... Chasing the Sun. A thousand miles an hour in a straight line and I could stop that sun still in place on the #horizon. But my favorite time of day isn't meant to stay, and as Mr. #Hemingway might say, 'ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a #crack, a crack in everything... that's how the light gets in.' #Video, Music, and #Poem by: #MikeBruckman
#Sunset #poetry #Pianomusic #shore #philosophy #lightspeed
#pacific #atlantic #insta360 #bullettime #spinning #Earth #clouds #armswideopen #alive #clevelandgram #chicagogram #hollywood #island #summergram #instafamous
Hello tout le monde ♥️, aujourd’hui j’ai décidé de vous montrer dans une vidéo l’ensemble de mon bullet ✏️. Et oui après 9 mois d’utilisation, mon bullet est presque totalement rempli . Mon mois d’avril se fera dans un tout nouveau carnet, hâte de vous le faire découvrir mais en attendant j’ai encore une petite page à vous montrer dès demain . Vous pouvez également retrouver cette vidéo sur mon compte YouTube, pour cela rendez vous sur le lien dans ma bio . Hello everyone ♥️, today I decided to show you in a video where you can see my entire bullet ✏️. And yes after 9 months of use, my bullet is almost completely filled . My month of April will be in a brand new notebook, but in the meantime I still have a small page to show you tomorrow . You can also find this video on my YouTube account, for that go on the link in my bio . #flipthrough #video #bujovideo #bulletjournalvideos #bulletjournalcomplete #succulents #crayola #pentelsigntouch #tombowfudenosuke #bulletjournal #bullettime #bulletjournalfr #bulletjournaljunkies #bulletjournalcommunity #mydailybullet #bulletjournallove #bulletjournaladdict #bujo #bujofrance #bujoideas #bujodaily #bujoinspiration #leuchtturm1917
Hello tout le monde ♥️, le week-end commence enfin après une semaine bien chargée ✏️. Au programme, beaucoup de repos et de bullet journal . J’ai de nombreuses pages à finir avant de vous les dévoiler, dont celle où je prépare nos vacances en Thaïlande . En attendant, voici la dernière page que je vous montre pour mai . Bon week-end à tous ♥️. Hello everyone ♥️, the weekend finally begins after a busy week ✏️. On the program, a lot of rest and some bullet journal things . I have many pages to finish before i show you them, including the one where I prepare our holidays in Thailand . In the meantime, here is the last page I show you for May . Good weekend to all ♥️. #weeklyspread #weeklycomplete #weekly #bujoweekly #bujoweeklyspread #bees #abeille #mai #byemay #bulletjournal #bullettime #bulletjournalfr #bulletjournaljunkies #bulletjournalcommunity #mydailybullet #bulletjournallove #bulletjournaladdict #bujo #bujofrance #bujoideas #bujodaily #bujoinspiration #leuchtturm1917