businessportrait portraitphotography portrait headshot headshots portraits portraitphotographer headshotphotographer business corporateportrait photography portraitmood marketing businessheadshots ftwotw portrait_perfection awesomeportrait colorportrait czechphotographer headshotsession lukasforal painter portrait_vision portraits_today quant sonya7r3 sonyalphagallery sonylenses sonyportraits tomasnosilphotographer смоленскшугаринг
Here is the portrait of an IT director at a large local company. Her job is really cool as the technology platforms she leads are critical for all things aircraft and vacation (which I need RN) ! A subject with glasses presents an interesting challenge for lighting. One part of you accepts the challenge of creating a great portrait, the other part is a little scared that you're going to have to fight against reflection galore.
My way is to overhead and feather the light! Direct/Hot (see previous post) light is not ideal in most of my regular work. Overhead + Feathering combined avoids having any portion of your light hitting the subject (and IMO the best quality of light for this type of photography).
Hope this helps!
#YvensB •
#montrealphotography #mtlphotographer #montrealphotographer #headshot #linkedin #profilepic #85mm18 #vintagelens #dslrphotography #linkedinprofile #mtlheadshots #businessportrait #iso1200bts #iso1200 #womeninstem #proedu #flash_mates #paulcbuff #behindthescenes #flashphotography #strobist #flashpro #primelens #nikond810
Some business portrait with my friend Cynthia! She's a higher education manager (didn't know it was a thing) and works with a bunch of PHD's. She helps our economy by bridging the gap between graduate students and business needing higher brain power in various sectors (tech, science, insurance etc....)
I went again with a similar setup of overhead + fill since consistency is key in my portfolio.
+ Nikon d810 + 85mm 1.8D
+ EDIT : it's ISO 100 and not 400
+ 2 x @paulcbuff Einstein 640's camera left in PLM64 + 35" Octa.
+ Silver reflector in the shadows
+ Rebellious seemless grey which I gave up on keeping on the floor after tapping it down 3 times.
#YvensB •
#montrealphotography #mtlphotographer #montrealphotographer #headshot #linkedin #profilepic #cinematic #bokeh #bokehphotography #bokehmonster #businessportrait #iso1200bts #proedu #flash_mates #paulcbuff #behindthescenes #flashphotography #strobist #flashpro #primelens #nikond810
Featured bts in Flash_Mates community
Reposted from @yvensb - LinkedIn portraits for my buddy Alex (too cool for IG). As you can see, I'm actively trying to run away from the studio
The ambient light required me to use a tripod to keep the file at ISO100. Luckily my bud Sasha had his Gitzo available (these things are so solid!!!).
Nothing was done in post to blur the BG, all in camera!
How this was taken:
@paulcbuffinc Einstein 640 in a 35" Octa
Einstein 640 in a stripbox
@nikoncanada d810 w/ 180mm 2.8
5/1 reflector to raise the shadows
Suit/shirt by @tigerofswedenmontreal
#YvensB •
#montrealphotography #mtlphotographer #montrealphotographer #headshot #linkedin #profilepic #cinematic #bokeh #bokehphotography #bokehmonster #businessportrait #proedu #flash_mates #paulcbuff #behindthescenes #flashphotography #strobist #flashpro #primelens #nikond810
You're a leader in your field. Lead with the best first impression: your photo.
Muse: @eszter_barandi
#careergoals #businessportrait #portraitvision #monday #personalbranding #instamood #banklife #studiolighting #dailyportrait #hungariandesign #featurethephotographers #portraitproject #studiophotography #management #investment #business #businessshoot #businesswoman #magyardivat #mutimitfotozol #mutimitfotoztal #destinationphotographer #magyarfotosok #worldphotographer #professionalphotographer #budapestphotographer #instagood #summer #budapest
❗26 и 28 июня
❗3000 рублей
Один раз в месяц я выделяю 2 съёмочных дня для наполнения вашего контента.
Все, кто снимался в мае и в апреле, уже успешно наполняют свои страницы красивыми фото.
Портрет - не означает вовсе, что фото только крупных планов, в данном контексте портрет подразумевает - фотографии, снятые для отражения вашей деятельности (бизнеса), ваших увлечений, вас, как личности и предпринимателя.
Что вас ждёт:
✔️ 1 час фотосессии (до 3 образов)
✔️ Локация на ваш выбор
✔️40-50 фото в цвето-свето коррекции + лёгкая работа с кожей на крупных портретах
✔️ Готовность фото 5 рабочих дней
✔️ Передача фото на виртуальном облаке
Если вы думали, самое время успеть записаться чтобы неспеша проработать "историю о вас и вашем бизнесе".
Запись в директ, предоплата 50%.
О наличии свободного времени, вы можете уточнить у меня в директ.
Being a working photographer means you are paid to solve problems. As I'm prepping yet another headshot session, I was reminded that shooting in tight spaces is always fun ! (Not)
Here, I was commissioned by this mortgage broker to create a headshot at home (which is always a challenge - since you don't know what will the room will look like).
You can't see it but, I was almost outdoors! Why? I wanted to bokeh out the BG which wasn't too aesthetic for my purposes.
This is part of the reason why I truly love photography; the challenges are many and the creativity is infinite. Like the Navy Seals say; improvise, adapt, overcome.
+ Nikon d810 x 85mm 1.8D
+ Einstein 640 camera right as a main
+ Einstein 640 camera left in a standard reflector for kicker
+ 5/1 reflector to raise shadows - couldn't use my mini stand since it was cramped
+ Dimmed the kicker using in interior baffle of my stripbox - the strip showed up in my frame (yup, it was that bad!)
Tons of lesson learned from this shot!
#YvensB •
#montrealphotography #mtlphotographer #montrealphotographer #headshot #linkedin #profilepic #cinematic #bokeh #bokehphotography #bokehmonster #businessportrait #iso1200bts #proedu #flash_mates #paulcbuff #behindthescenes #flashphotography #strobist #flashpro #primelens #nikond810
Featured bts in Flash_Mates community
Reposted from @yvensb - Some business portrait with my friend Cynthia! She's a higher education manager (didn't know it was a thing) and works with a bunch of PHD's. She helps our economy by bridging the gap between graduate students and business needing higher brain power in various sectors (tech, science, insurance etc....)
I went again with a similar setup of overhead + fill since consistency is key in my portfolio.
+ Nikon d810 + 85mm 1.8D
+ EDIT : it's ISO 100 and not 400
+ 2 x @paulcbuff Einstein 640's camera left in PLM64 + 35" Octa.
+ Silver reflector in the shadows
+ Rebellious seemless grey which I gave up on keeping on the floor after tapping it down 3 times.
#YvensB •
#montrealphotography #mtlphotographer #montrealphotographer #headshot #linkedin #profilepic #cinematic #bokeh #bokehphotography #bokehmonster #businessportrait #proedu #flash_mates #paulcbuff #behindthescenes #flashphotography #strobist #flashpro #primelens #nikond810
Beim Brainstorming am heutigen Tag kam ich auf die fixe Idee einfach mal nachzuschauen, welcher Aktionstag denn der 10.Mai sei... mit der tiefen Hoffnung es könnte ein interessantes Thema werden, welche die Steilvorlage für den Einstieg in einen phänomenalen Text bieten könnte, wurde diese aber alsbald enttäuscht. Vorerst. Der 10.Mai ist der „Aktionstag gegen Schlaganfall“...was für ein Thema zum Wochenendstart dachte ich zuerst leicht enttäuscht. Aber im Grunde ist dieses Thema deutlich bedeutender als vieles andere in dieser Welt. Natürlich gibt es scheinbar erquickendere Themen, wie z.B. am 07.06. über den Tag des Schokoladeneis oder am 05.10. über den Tag der Seifenblasen zu schreiben. Hört sich ja auch lustig an.
Selbstverständlich ist es schöner über heile, freundliche, flauschige Kuschelthemen zu schreiben. Woran das liegt? Na ganz einfach! In der beautyfilterbelasteten Scheinwelt à la Social Media sieht immer alles so tuffig rosa aus... das ist ein bisschen wie mit Zuckerwatte, Popcorn und Cola in den Zirkus zu gehen oder? Schlaganfall ist aber schwarz. Ehrlich gesagt todesschwarz.
Letztens haben ich einen netten Artikel gelesen mit dem Inhalt: „Werde Sinnfluencer“... was das bedeutet? Nutze deine Reichweite für sinnvolle Themen. Also Leute, schaut bitte auf der HP der Deutschen Schlaganfallhilfe vorbei ein gesundes Wochenende für euch ———
#biancablywis #businessstyle #businesstip #journalismus #journal #berlinlife #berlinblogger #berlinlifestyle #berlinwomen #powerwomen #businesstravel #berlin #berlinstagram #fashionlovers #ootd #ootdfashion #bodyshape #loveyourself #bodypositivity #enjoylife #mai #hauptstadt #urbanstyle #berlinlovers #030
#womenempowerment #businessportrait