businesssupport virtualassistant smallbusiness entrepreneur business outsource virtualassistantservices womeninbusiness businessowner startup admin contentstrategy delegate administrativeassistant businessgrowth networking socialmedia socialmediamanagement virtualassistants adminsupport businessbuilding businesscoach businessideas businessmanagement businessnetworking businesstips freelance girlboss growyourbusiness бизнесподдержка
Comeeeee Thruuuuuuuuuuuu Pants Suit. @thefashiondendallas Does it again!!!! Thank you @vsmithlockhart i love youuuu. You make my life and job easier!! .
#dallas #dallasblogger #dallasfashion #dallasblack #dallasstylist #dallasnightlife #dallasmodels #arlingtonblogger #arlington #dallasfitness #dallasblackbusiness #businesssupport #supportblackbusinesses #blackgirlmagic #radiopersonality #kenneshradio
It's important for us to stay grateful for what we have at the moment, while still working hard to make our dreams come true! What are you grateful for? Name 2 things in the comments!
#femaleentrepreneur #startuplife #escapethe9to5 #beingboss #girlboss #bossbabes #bossladiesmindset #hustle #instagramgrowthservice #girltribe #businesschicks #businesssupport #laptoplifestyle #locationindependent #buildingherempire #makemoneyonline #workfromhome #homebasedbusiness #timefreedom #instagramtips #growyourbusiness #onlinemarketingtips
Watch the rest of the video on my IGTv
Consistency is key in our personal and business life. This cannot be overemphasized for those that aim at being successful.
Today is MONDAY. make the best of it and have a fruitful week.
#BeConsistent #bestfriendgoals #besupportive #businessgoals #businesssupport #personalgoals #aimtosucceed #itsmondayagainLetshustle
How cool will this be though ? .
We need to support friends and family more in the are of business especially in this part of the world ...
Btw , our email series will continue soon ... My nanny has been sick for the past few days, couple with websites I have to deliver , I hardly have extra time for anything else ...please bear with me
Class will hold mid next week, registration link will go up today out for it ...
Back to the topic , what acts of kindness have you received from family and friends that helped your business? .
#websitechic #naijabiz #businesssupport #abuja #lagosbusiness #naijawebdesigner #naijastartups #naijabrandchick #ibrandyourbiz #instagramtips #naijabusinesstips
Налог на имущество с физ лиц
Обязанность ежегодного уплачивать налог возлагается на физических лиц, владеющих следующими объектами недвижимости:
✅жилые дома;
✅гаражи либо машино-места;
✅квартиры или комнаты в жилых домах;
✅единые недвижимые комплексы;
✅объекты незавершенного строительства;
✅другие помещения, строения, здания или сооружения.
Обязанность по расчету суммы налога в России возлагается на ИФНС, после чего информация доводится до налогоплательщиков путем ✉️направления на почтовый адрес налоговых уведомлений.
В 2018 году оплатить налог можно до 1 декабря.