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Ok, we’ve dug ourselves out of our slumps of post-TDU travel withdrawal and got back to the business of what we do best, roasting. What treats we have in store for you this week! New singles, new blend with all the same love and attention to the taste profile provided from our growers.
#sundayscc #ingoodcompany #coffee #smallbatch #buygood #roastedwithlove #sunshinecoast
1000 Followers GIVEAWAY . . . .
To thank you for following our journey and helping us grow our community through purchasing products with stories that also give back, this has helped us to give to our current chosen charity. So we are giving $100 store credit to you and a friend. To enter:
1. Like our page.
2. Tag a friend, one per comment.
3. Tag extra friends for more entries.
4. You both need to be following to win.
Entries close Saturday 17th November 6pm and winner will be chosen by random draw and announced Sunday.
Good Luck!
This competition is only open to Australian residents and is not associated or endorsed by Instagram. #giveaway #instagiveaway #1000followersgiveaway #tagafriend #graciousmae #purchasewithpurpose #productswithstories
A single thought. A single change in our daily choices can make a BIG impact!
Did you know that your #Hove4Good purchase helps give back to drive positive social change?
Our December boxes provided 108 malnourished children with therapeutic food boxes. Learn more about how your purchase does more, here > > >
........... #SocialImpact #GiveBack #BuyGoodStuff #dogoodfeelgood #instagood #instagoodness #giveback #change #changemakers #youcandothis #socialgood #socialgoodboxes #socialgoodimpact #socialgoodcompany #dogood #buygooddogood #buygood #sustainableliving #socialcommerce #consciouscommunity #consciousconsumer #consciouscommerce
With Nicole at Breitling’s Boutique Opening in Zürich! Amazing event in the ❤️ of the city. An Avanzar was also there ! #buygood #dogood #breitling #atelieravanzar #fundacionavanzar #
#handmade #bags #ecuador #womenempowerment #womenforwomen #crochetbags #weavers #womenprojects #socialenterprise #social #fair
SONNE über Berlin! Ein derzeit seltenes Spektakel! Wir haben den Vormittag genutzt und sind mit den Rädern durch Neukölln gefahren. Unter anderem haben bei bei @englishtraders Halt gemacht. Ein wirklich netter, kleiner Laden. Da gibt es allerlei Feines aus Großbritannien und jede Menge Artikel, die das Zero Waste Leben vereinfachen. Tolle Edelstahl-Boxen, verschiedene Trinkflaschen, Bienenwachstücher, Gemüsebeutel und vieles mehr. ❤️ #Berlin #neukölln #sonneüberberlin #englishtraders #lieblingsort #zerowasteitems #zerowaste #buyless #buygood #makeitlast
In early childhood, adequate nutrition can ensure healthy growth, proper organ formation and function, a strong immune system, and neurological and cognitive development.
This onesie will feed 5 babies in Haiti who are suffering from malnutrition. One day, they too will desire to go to school. Let’s prepare them now!