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Human Flag Progressions -
The human flag is a combination of pushing, pulling, and anti-rotation contraction. The top hand is pulling while the bottom hand is pushing. You can use two horizontal bars like I’m using here, or you can use a pole. I find this way much more comfortable and easier to perform. Use one of the following variations to help you towards the Human Flag. -
I actually never trained the Human Flag. I was a gymnast growing up and we never did it and in my adult years, never practiced. I was just able to do it most likely from being able to do Front Levers and Heavy Turkish Get Ups (48KG). So my journey was a little different and if you’re interested in hearing it, check out the @thechicagohustle Insta and YouTube page. We just did a podcast together where I say, “Like” like 1000x. Anywho, here are your progressions. -
1. Dead Hangs: Form a Hollow Body while hanging on the bar. While hanging practice prep work for pulling by anti-shrugging your shoulders away from your ears. When this is easier you can attempt with one hand by slightly releasing the fingers. -
2. Bent Arm support to Upright Hold is a dead Hang with a Hollow Body and the bottom arm pushing against the bar. Bend the arm for support and then straighten with a hollow body. -
3. Upright hollow to open: Y’all set up your upright hollow position and from here you’re going to push onto the bottom arm and pull with the top arm so that your hips and torso turns to the side. -
4. Straddle: from the open position you are going to open up your legs as much as you can and push really hard into the bottom hand. -
5: Human Flag: Bring your legs together for the full human Flag. -
Quick Tips: Use a band for after the open position from the upright Hollow. Like Shown for the straddle variation. You can also use a one leg bent straddle variation and you can also use the band for the full human flag. -
Who has a goal of accomplishing the human flag?
L-Sit Progressions -
The L-Sit is such a cool movement that can get you strong for a variety of skills and activities like Straddle Press Handstand or rock climbing. Even “bad” or “incorrect” forms of this is super helpful bc you’re still flexing your abs hard. But if you want to progress this skill to more advanced bodyweight exercises, here’s what you should follow: -
1. Tall posture: Make sure that your shoulders are away from your ears.
2. Elbow pits Forward: This might cramp up your triceps but fight for this as this will strengthen your arms and help you with straight Arm work.
3. Lift knees to chest: This is where the balance and core really lights up. Make sure you’re able to keep steps 1-3 as you lift feet from floor.
4. Gradually extend and straighten: Make sure you’re able to keep steps 1-3 as you extend your legs. -
The following progressions will help you with the L-Sit:
1. Hollow Body Hold
2. Tuck Ups
3. V ups
4. Tuck Sit
5. Tuck to L-Sit
6. L-Sit -
Who is working on the L-Sit?
3 Things for Better Handstand Push UPS -
The Handstand Push up requires a lot of body control, core strength, and pressing strength. Here are a few things to do to start your HS Push Up training. -
1. Build bent arm and straight arm balance with the Headstand and Crow. Each of these progressions are pretty simple and can build to harder variations like the Handstand and Bent Arm Stand. They teach how to adjust your body for HS Push ups and develop finger strength. -
2. Build core and shoulder strength and work capacity with handstand holds. The better you’re able to hold a straight line handstand the stronger your handstand push ups will be. -
3. The variations I use to build into the Handstand Push Up requires a lot of hamstring flexibility. Building this with active leg raises, kneeling hamstring stretches, and Forward folds really helps speed up the process. -
I’ll have a flexibility course one day as I have been working these programs on myself and then my private clients. Right now, My Handstand Coaching Group will involve flexibility and hand balance programs and starts June 3rd for 8-12 weeks and will be comprised of 2 groups. Group A will work on Freestanding Handstand and Handstand Push Up and Forward Fold. Group B will work on Freestanding Handstand and Straddle Press Handstand and Middle Split. -
By the end of the 8-12 weeks you’ll develop better balance for the Freestanding Handstand, better strength to save your Handstand, and better flexibility to hold and get into these positions. DM me for details
As some of you know, my gramma fell down the stairs this past Thursday. Dislocated her shoulder, fractured three ribs, broke her arm and pelvic bone. To say she has been in excruciating pain, is an understatement. Myself and my fam had been in and out of the hospital for the past 6 days and throughout that time, I was reminded by the love we all have for each other and the strength that my grams exudes. This woman is a one badass. She straight up had a poker face pretty much the entire time, so much so that the doc was even surprised when the test results came back. Said, “the fact that she’s this calm shows how strong of a woman she is”. Yes, this is very much true. Even so, I was saddened to see her in that state. My grams is an independent woman. Someone that loves her autonomy. To see her pain and frustration of these things being (even temporarily) robbed from her, broke my heart. I ended up carrying that burden, allowing those thoughts of frustration and sadness fill my mind and soul, not realizing I began to neglect my own self care. I was feeling depressed and I realized I needed to get myself back into my passions. Had I worked on them? The answer was no. What’s worse, I didn’t want to do them. You see, when you become overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, you begin to lose sight of yourself. You begin to be overtaken. Do not let that happen. Muster up whatever you got left in you, and get going again. I needed to do that. So I took (more like dragged) myself back into the gym and got a session in. Because that is my oasis. And I knew, deep down I knew, once I got myself back in there, my spirit will be lifted once again. I’d get myself back. Maybe it’s the endorphins or serotonin, but golly does that sh’’’ feel good. I come from a line of strong women. It’s my duty to show them honor. Thank you grams for setting the example of strength and resilience. You will come out of this stronger!!! .
: @jamaican__zeus ⚡️
Сезон уличных тренировок открыт!
В тёплое время года люблю больше тренироваться на улице, чем в зале, особенно на пляже.
Такие тренировки заряжают положительными эмоциями на весь день! Можно поплавать, побегать или же сделать функциональную тренировку со своим весом.
Тут главное - это не переусердствовать, а то день будет наоборот тяжелым кому-то хватит и просто прогулки с лёгкими упражнениями для тонизации.
А где больше предпочитаете тренироваться ВЫ: на улице или в зале?
#vashtrener #trackandfield #triplejump #longjump #streetworkout #calesthenics #muscleup #muscleupbar #pullups #pullupbar #fitness #athletics