camel верблюжья_шерсть camelwool верблюжка верблюжьяшерсть идеи_для_подарка изделия_из_шерсти натуральная_шерсть натуральнаяшерсть одеждаизшерсти верблюд покупки таобао шопинг desert tunisia camp_david christian_berg kapraun wellensteyn baldessarini bogner sahara travel egypt summer тунис пустыня nature africa репетиторпоанглийскому
Truth bomb: as I finally dive into the dating app game, judging people based on photos and cheesy questions..... Ive asked myself, what’s my intention? ———————————————————-
So many people want to add pressure to a scenario that is honestly just meant to be fun and enjoyed. Remembering the carefree nature of being a kid.... just enjoying a new friends company in the sandbox (or for me hay-bales) ————————————————————
Such is true for anyone this weekend. ⭐️Can you find the magic and wonder? The rest falls into place. You don’t plant a seed and stand there and watch it grow. You create the garden in which it feels safe to grow....... and then you sprinkle water, sunlight, and trust as you give it space to blossom. ——————————————————
#b_inspired : @jonmedel
Raine in the desert ✨
- @_youngmillionaire
#blacktravel #blacktravelfeed #soulsociety #blacktravelmovement #blacktraveljourney #melanintravel #mytravelcrush #internationaltravel #roadto100countries #travelnoire #traveladdict #travellife #girlstravelslay #theblacktravelclub #travelfratternity #blacktravelgram #Blackgirlstraveltoo #TravelNoire #BlackGirlsTravel #Passports #BlackGirlMagic #girlswhotravel #blackgirltravelslay #Cairo #egypt #camel #pyramid