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Announcing some of your smokin’ hot trainers at The University of Texas! Be on the lookout for our BRAND NEW @campgladiator locations launching in September!
I look forward to living out the camp Gladiator mission by serving the UT community!
#hookem #campgladiator #clarkfield #workout #fitness #atx #atxtrainer #personaltrainer #universityoftexas #health #wealth #austin
Today is 6 months post op! I’m down 73 pounds and 46 inches over all. The weight loss has definitely slowed down a little this past month. The hair-loss however has increased so I may get some of it cut off to see if that helps ♀️ (for those of you who don’t know that’s the main side effect of this surgery/ weight loss)! I’m feeling great and can’t wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
Side note, the red shirt is an XL and the grey is a M! #vsg #vsgsupport #vsgbeforeandafter #vsgjourney #vsgcommunity #vsgsurgery #vsgtransformation #vsgsisters #gastricsleevesurgery #gastricsleevebeforeandafter #gastricsleevecommunity #gastricsleevejourney #gastricsleevesupport #campgladiator #cgstrong #sleevedlife #sleeved #sleevedsisters #sleevegastrectomy #transformationtuesday #weightlosstransformation #beforeandafter #cgwutwut #campgladiatorhouston #bettertogether #workingout #fitmoms #cgwutwut #wlscommunity
My CG trainer recently asked me to share my CG story so that she could share with other campers and I thought I’d share it with you guys too.
Over a year.
That’s how long it took my sister in law to convince me to come out to a Camp Gladiator work out. And truth be told, the only reason I agreed to it was because she had recently convinced my husband to join her and I felt a little obligated to after her year of coaxing and convincing.
I finally agreed to go but the truth was, I was terrified to go. Absolutely terrified.
I was so anxious to go that I in fact thought I’d be sick before camp started.
Group workouts just weren’t my thing. Here I was - someone who was not “athletically inclined”, could barely run a lap without getting winded, and who basically was just not “the working out type”. Even though I had lost 50 lbs by changing my eating habits, I just couldn’t bring myself to start working out. And the thought of making a fool out of myself in front of complete strangers? Ah! No thanks! ♀️
But then I went to camp.
At one point during the workout, I thought I was going to die and I wanted to cry but I pushed through and held back the tears. And you know what? I survived!
And the crazy thing? I came back the next day. And again, the next day.
I kept coming back and little by little, I started enjoying my workouts. I was looking forward to going to camp.
Fast forward 10 months and since I’ve started CG, I’ve lost an additional 13 lbs and gained some muscle that was not there before.
Do I have a six pack? No.
Do I have bangin’ biceps? No.
At least not yet. Haha, just kidding!
But you know what I do have?
More confidence. More endurance. More strength. And more heart. And my “athletic ability” has definitely improved since I’ve started. I am proud to say that I can now run a lap {or two} without getting winded.
I may not be the fastest camper and I may not lift the heaviest weights but what I’ve come to realize is - none of that matters.
YOU are your own competition.
As long as you strive to continue to improve - THAT is what matters. ❤️
CG strong all day long!
Running drill: ball of foot hops develops muscle elasticity and strength for your run. These should be a regular part of your warm up. ✅Increases Pull response to ground contact during run. Body weight on ball of foot, knees bent, shoulders over hips ✅Hop, whole body stays connected, knees bent, shoulders relaxed, focus only the up, hips lead Added a medball for a strength challenge + keeps knees bent
The jump was just for fun
#runrx Clinics, gait analysis or 321Run online:
I celebrate incremental changes because big wins don't happen without small ones. .
#TransformationTuesday #WeightLoss #SmallWins #BigGains #ConsistencyPaysOff #ShowUp #HealthyLiving #CleanEating #CampGladiator #CGStrong #TakeItOutside #EatClean #21DayMealPlan #MealPlanBabes #Melanin #MelaninMagic #Stylish #Fabulous #EatYourVeggies #Health #BeforeAndDuring #BetterStartsHere
With only one day left in 2018, I figured I should update my progress picture now that I have lost 73 pounds!! I still have a long way to go, but I am excited for how far I have come in less than 6 months and even more excited for what is to come in 2019!!!
What are YOU excited for in 2019
No pills, no shakes, no packaged food that tastes like cardboard... just living the Keto life and exercising!! It isn’t always easy, and I have my moments of weakness, but at the end of the day I couldn’t be happier with the lifestyle I’m creating ❤️❤️
#goalsnotresolutions #weightlossmission #weightlossmom #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #keto #ketoweightloss #ketomom #fattofit #fattofitjourney #fattofitmom #pcosweightloss #pcosdiet #pcos #noexcuses #noexcusemom #pcoswarrior
If you would have told me I’d look forward to working out every day a year ago, I would have laughed in your face. Fast forward and I’m 100% addicted, don’t love rest days and even sport this smile while gettin’ my fit on.
That is all thanks to @campgladiator!! I’ve told you about CG before but I’m back! There is an insane deal running today only that gives you an entire camp (4 weeks) for super cheap (10$) so now is your time!! The link is in my bio to get started— let me know if you sign up and I’ll meet ya at camp!! TRY IT PEOPLE!! I promise you won’t regret it!!
Indoor practice skill + strength combo for your run. Stand in pose, place band around hips
✅Press hips forward to simulate fall, Pull foot Up in response, ankle under hip ✅Drop to plank and continue pulling, keep pressing hips into band Use a metronome, start at 180 and progress to 200+
This is also a great partner drill, make sure to get off band after each round and run a few steps. #runrx