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Ровно 4 года назад для Гульмиры Смаиловой прозвучал судьбоносный звонок. Врачи сообщили, что нашлось донорское сердце и в ту же ночь ей сделали пересадку
Как изменилась жизнь чемпионки мира? Что делают врачи для того, чтобы сердца казахстанцев бились всё дольше и дольше? И как беречь главный орган человека?
Atameken Business и Kazakhmys Holding совместно с Центром Сердца представляют документальный фильм «Ритм жизни». Премьера сегодня в 22:00
#РитмЖизни #Сердце #Премьера #ДокФильм #Кардиохирургия #Кардиология #ЮрийПя #Казахмыс #AtamekenBusiness #сегодня #you #cardiacsurgery #cardiology #центрсердцаастана #центрсердца #центрсердцаастана #центр_сердца #кардиохирургия #кардиология #ннкц #patientfirst #astana #kazakhstan #астана #казахстан
Yesterday, a patient’s family called me an angel for the care and compassion us nurses gave their mother during her last moments on this earth, in the CTICU. ANGEEEL?!! Me! I was just thankful to have been able to care for my patient but that sentiment made me appreciate my calling to nursing all the more.
There’s no greater joy for me than caring for my patients in the capacity I do. Whether we’re dancing merengue after a near fatal thoracic aneurysm or performing life saving measures post cardiac arrest or being their everyday champion after heart surgery. I’ve been tired, worked 16hr shifts, been overworked, studied my ass off...but here is where I’m suppose to be.
Nursing isn’t glamorous but it’s the most gratifying thing in my life. I would chose my path over in a heart beat! I finished my master’s while working 2 jobs, traveling the world, and starting a business...and I’m damn proud of myself for that! I don’t take compliments well, but I will today! Lol I had an amazing role model, my mom and amazing support system of friends, family, sorors, coworkers, and beyond. I appreciate you all! I’m about to be a whole NP! ⚕️
#NP #APN #AGNP #FDU #FDUGrad #AdultGerontologynursepractitioner #BlackWomeninMedicine #Nursing #BlackNurses #Nurse #CardiacNurse #ResilientNurse #RN #MSN #NP #CTICU #CardiacSurgery #ThoracicSurgery #Classof2019 #SigmaThetaTau #NursingHonors #NursingHonorSociety #CumLaude #MastersDegree #ReseauDocteur
...This is a #mechanicalheartvalve inserted via #openheartsurgery & I find it #fascinating that you can watch it’s #amazingengineering #live in #action using #fluoroscopy #xrays #cardiopulmonaryscience is the coolest! #sosatisfying #cardiacscience #cardiacsurgery #cardiacsurgeon #cathlab #cathlablife #ilovemyjob #heartanatomy #aorticvalvereplacement #radiology #xray #cardiologist #cardiologista #cardiothoracicsurgery #cardiothoracicsurgeon #worldofengineering