cargotraffic логистика cargotransportationservices europe авиаперевозки грузоперевозки доставка доставкаизамерики маршрут морскиеперевозки опасныегрузы перевозкипоевропе страхованиегрузов becausetimematters kunajallaonmerkityst portofturku turunsatama cargotrafic карго карготрафик доставкаизкитая cargo mannlines mlfreyja бизнесскитаем китайроссия таобао balticline finnlines cargotransportationservices
Port cranes are often thought to move only vertically up and down. In fact, many cranes also move sideways along rails. Here's a sample of skills from our 600 ton ballerina; the container crane Ansaldo moves lightly to replace the lifting device. #crane #ansaldo #cargotraffic #becausetimematters #kunajallaonmerkitystä #portofturku #turunsatama
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Baltic Line AS operates a fleet of two vessels under fixed weekly liner schedule between Finland, Baltic States, Poland, Denmark and Norway. Tomorrow, one of the vessels, Baltic Madonna, will arrive at our port early in the morning. #balticline #balticmadonna #cargotraffic #becausetimematters #kunajallaonmerkitystä #portofturku #turunsataman