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Not EVERYTHING has to be fast to start. Here’s a warm up pattern with a purpose from NCAA @bentleyhockey @fraserkirk_ .
✅Holding edges on rotation ✅Eliminating lags or loads ✅Using correct part of skate on drop to maintain proper eye level ✅proper rotation and recovery .
@goaliecoaches .
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✳️ Glove change for Hiller ➡️ Hiller had been a 2 piece cuff faithful, he’s switched to a 1 piece. Other interesting note, Hiller’s pads have more of a true knee roll that wraps into the inner sliding gusset. If you compare this to an EF4, the knee rolls stop at the inner edge
# #GoalieCrowd #ToolsOfTheTrade
To all my fellow Canadian followers Happy Canada Day! have a fun and safe holiday! #tendy#tendyswag#tendygear#goalie#goalies#goaliegear#ccm#ccmhockey#ccmgoalie#bauer#bauergoalie#bauerhockey#reebok#canada#teamcanada#olympics#devils#newjerseydevils#nhl#nhlhockey#worldcup#worldcuphockey#hockeylifestyle#hockeyislife#instahockey#hockey#hockeygear#canadaday