cdccrew benching mecro graffiti freightgraffiti benchingfr8 benchingfreight freighttraingraffiti benchingtrains fr8s trackside benchingsteelgiants benchmode chasingfreights fr8heaven freightjunkie midwestbenching traingraffiti 12ozprophet benchingfreights benched freights stoe 219bench americanfreightgraffiti colors freightgraff graffitiontrains ishoottrains тулa
Muchas gracias a todas las personas que se tomaron el tiempo y votaron por esta nominación #videorock @clubfanscdc a todo el #cdccrew @fidelgoa a toda la gente maravillosa que trabajo para hacer este video hecho en Venezuela @cuer2films @tanodevita @mino_zoee etc etc etc y por supuesto a los @premiospepsimusic por invitarnos y oxigenar a tantos artistas venezolanos con este proyecto!
Yup, that new MECRO wholecar. Speechless, I was without speech. I've been sitting on this for a little while. Thanks to @masohmasoe for the heads up . @cooldude_xvi @cooldudesarchive •••
#freightjunkie #freights #fr8 #fr8s #fr8heaven #rollingstock #graffiti #railart #trainart #traingraffiti #graffitiart #benched #benchmode #benchingsteelgiants #steelcanvas #cryx #reefer #bothsides #mecro #cdccrew #wholecar #wholecarwednesday
Cool Dudes #icycaps #cooldudescrew #cdccrew #cdchotboys #typography #typographicart #typeface #type #contemporaryart #signpainting #lettering #customtype #goodtype #typetopia #typegang #dailytype #handmadetype #handmadefont #handlettering #handpainted #typematters #handdrawntype #illustration #graphicdesign #artist #art (sold)
‘COOL DUDES’ Book Release & Pop-up. (1537 N. Front St., Phila., PA.) Friday, May 18th 6-10pm, Saturday, May 19th 3-10pm. Music, drinks, video, photographs, original artwork, prints, shirts, etc. Don’t Sleep ✌ @highartproductions @cooldudesarchive #YUTHE #DRAFT #MECRO #DOTM #SWINE #KOYN #STOE #ONCE #BOGUS #GENOE #TACOE #ALAMO #OTER #cdc #cdccrew #cdcbook #cooldudesbook #freightgraffiti #benchingfreight #graffiti #phillygraff #philly #philadelphia #fishtown