chakrasystem chakras chakrahealing meditation healing love spirituality connection soul tarot artphoto artphotography blogger energywork life lifestyleblogger medium psychictarot selfworth spiritually tarotdeck tarotreader tarotreading tarotspread energyworker psychictarotreader tarotcards tarotcardsmeaning reiki chakrabalancing energyworker
The #chakrasystem is very simple you can explain it to children (or adults) through a 1 minute cartoon clip‼️
Simply release any blockages starting at #root working all the way up through crown ❤️ and watch the world open up for you then #tapin to reap the benefits of your #innerself showing and flowing
#chakras #chakrahealing #knowledgeispower ♻️ #Knowledge #consciousness #awareness #awakening #freedom #freethinkers #spiritualawakening
#consciousness #awareness #awakening #freedom #freethinkers #spiritualawakening #anonymous #conspiracy #newworldorder #truth #4biddenknowledge #conspiracytheories #truthseeker #wakeup #thirdeye #spiritual #universe #spiritualgrowth #Woke #decalcifyyourpinealgland #higherconsciousness #Pinealactivator @pineal_activator
It's refreshing to forgive even if it's not reciprocated because you're releasing yourself to continued growth and maturity to different levels of bliss. The person saying or maybe even believing they forgave but ill-feelings still arise whether shown outwardly or covertly means...(they really haven't), and their life is unknowingly sabotaged for every person not sincerely forgiven. You wonder why millions are sickly, sad, mean, stuck, and unhappy, unforgiveness is a major reason behind it Do everybody a favor and sincerely forgive and keep your life on good tracks
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna #benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality
Staying aligned is sometimes difficult but needed to keep your heart pure towards others, it's paramount for continued growth and maturity
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna #benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality
@spiritual_paths - For both genders, never force anyone to see your worth, as long as you do is all that matter's, and the right person will anyways♨️♨️♨️
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality - #regrann
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals#relationship101 #relationshipissues#relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband#godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath#eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna#benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji#selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal#spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds#innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem#relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace#createyourownreality
So, how big is your circle Society helps us believe the more the merrier which is a facade, an illusion because most associate being chased, being in the know, and staying relevant with their identities. Nothing should define you, but you, not family, friends, kids, or anyone. Associations are nice and some even healthy lol, but dont let them be a barometer of measuring your identity of self
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna #benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals#relationship101 #relationshipissues#relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband#godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath#eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna#benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji#selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal#spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds#innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem#relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace#createyourownreality
I also believe that's the moment we choose unconditional love. Loving unconditionally doesn't mean stupidity, or being a doormat. It's actually quite the opposite because in choosing to love unconditionally, while respecting yourselves in the process, you're opening your life up to things and experiences you never thought possible. You'll also began loving being that way anyways
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna #benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality
Vulnerability can be intimidating at times, but choose being liberated instead. That's why I don't post for notoriety. I post what I'm feeling is needed, nothing is planned, I just type and edit My intent for this IG account is to guide and teach Spirituality to those ready, open-minded, and receptive to receive it
#spiritualguide #relationshiproles #relationshipgoals #relationship101 #relationshipissues #relationshiptalk #dearfuturehusband #godlymarriage #marriagematters #soulpath #eckerttolle #tabletalkswithtwanna #benthinomassaro #marryyourbestfriend #godlywife
#karmaquotes #spiritual_paths #mooji #selflovequotes #blacklovequotes #blackloveisreal #spirityalityawake #enlightenedminds #innerknowing #spiritualawakening #chakrasystem #relationshipadvice #loveyourspouse #heartspace #createyourownreality