changeclimatechange climatechange nature environment recycle climatechangeisreal savetheearth zerowaste plasticpollution reuse wildlife naturephotography saynotosingleuse pollution sedekahsampah bethechange climatestrike fridaysforfuture life lifestyle peace photography sustainability wildlifephotography artist artwork beautiful beautifulaspink beauty photogpher
At this rate, by 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fishes. Every year, 8 billion tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean. One million seabirds are killed by marine litter every year. 100,000 turtles and marine mammals, such as dolphins, whales and seals, are killed by plastic marine litter every year around the world.
#globalwarming #carbonfootprint #unicef #ecofriendly #biodiversity #arctic #climatechange #activism #Climate #planetearth #hope #youthstrike4climate #youthstrike #nature #NewDealForNature #ClimateChangeIsReal #Climate #changeclimatechange #deforestation #gogreen #saveearth #parisaccord #parisagreement #conservation #plasticpollutes #plasticpollution #stopplasticpollution #banplasticbags #banplasticstraws #gogreen
#Repost @thedrawnie
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I really wanted to illustrate this bee for the #kidlit4climate because bees might be small but they are very important. Some of them are already endangered and it is time we take action for a better future, for us and the planet! Which is why me and this little bee are standing with the children who want to march to change things!
Check @kidlit4climate and @emmaillustrate for more info!
#kidlitart #climatestrike #childrensmarch #bees #savethebees #changeclimatechange #forourplanet #savetheplanet #cute #illustration #digitalart #childrensbookstyle #illustratoroninstagram #instaillustration #instaartist #instacute #instaenvironment #best_illustration #flowers #honey #ss4c #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate
Una parola muore appena detta, dice qualcuno. Io dico che solo in quel momento comincia a vivere.
(Emily Dickinson)
Photo by @giuseppe.ghedina
Tag #trekkingdolomiti
#clima #climatechange #protectourwinters #wonderfoullplace #nationalgeographic #naturephotography #photooftheday #climatestrike #changeclimatechange
Nature not only provides us with all the things we need to live - from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and from the shelter we need to the economy we rely on - but also makes our lives better. However, its growing loss puts this all under threat.
This Earth Hour, join millions around the world to turn off the lights and speak up about why nature matters. #Connect2Earth #earthhour2019
#lightsout #changeclimatechange #instaearth #instachangeclimatechange #promisefortheplanet
Morski svijet je čaroban! I uvelike ugrožen klimatskim promjenama, ljudskim utjecajem, plastikom... E pa na plastiku bar možemo već danas djelovati! Izbaci jednokratnu plastiku iz svog života i potpiši peticiju za postizanje globalnog sporazuma za sprječavanje plastične krize! Link u bio :) #plasticfree #neplastici #NisamOdPlastike #climatechange #climate #klimatskepromjene #changeclimatechange #connect2earth #biodiversity #priroda #prirodazaljude
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
-George Bernard Shaw
We did our bit today by observing the Earth hour 2019 at Fraser Suites Doha along with staff & guests. #Frasersuitesdoha #Fraserearth #Earthhour2019 #Frasermoments #changeclimatechange #ourearth #saveourearth
Küresel ısınmaya karşı başlatılan 1 saat 'Dünyaya bağlan' sloganıyla tum tarihi binalar,15 Temmuz Sehitler Köprüsü hatta stadyumlar bile ışıklarını 20.30-21.30 arası söndürecek.Ben de Dünya saati hareketine katılıyorum.Doga icin birşeyler yapmamız gerektigini herkese bir kez daha hatırlatmak istiyorum..Plastik kullanımınızı azaltarak, çevrenizdeki yeşili çoğaltarak dogayla zaman geçirerek bir adım da siz atın.
Unutmayin bir insan bin insana ışık olabilir #wwfturkiye#wwf#dunyayabaglan#connect2earth#kureselisinmayahayir#changeclimatechange#saturday#dogayikoru#gununkaresi#dunyayisev#eatrhhour#earthhour2019#DünyaSaati