changethestory plasticmonster beatplasticpollution citizenmuscle cleanseas demonstration foamfree goforzerowaste gogreen isthisyours peoplepower plastic plasticfree plasticpollutes recyclingisnotenough reduce reuse ridiculouspackaging singleuseplastic solvedifferent stopsucking storyofplastic storyofstuff sustainability susty zerowaste zerowasteyouth breakfreefromplastic changetheworld b4theother playeffort
Anxiety is so much more than physical.
Yes - We can change our activity.
Yes - We can take medication.
Yes - We can workout.
Yes - We can pray all day.
Yes - We can change our diet.
Yes - We can go to counseling.
Yes - We do all those things.
But unless we change how we think these are only bandaids over the real issues.
Do you find yourself thinking like any of these?
#inspiration #change #causes #life #motivation #changeyourself #changethestory #thinkingaboutlife #beatanxiety #anxietycoach #anxiety
I’ve spent years and years battling some form of this voice: “more is better. Be perfect.”
Turns out.... that’s not my voice. That is the voice of billions of dollars of advertisements trying to keep me trapped in a system where I am striving for something I’ll never reach, Wasting time, money, energy, resources buying into a system that keeps me down and destroys my capacity to live how I actually want to live. Destroys communities. Destroys wildlife. Sometimes even under the guise of “eco conscious” ♀️
So how do I want to live? Slowly. Sweetly. Fiercely. In a way that doesn’t f*ck anyone else over In a way that dismantles the very systems that oppress people and animals I love and care about (whether I know you or not....). Freely.
I’m here to say: continue the work. You CAN take a break, you CAN live kindly and in fact, you must. Not sure how Look to those who you see living and being in a way that inspires you and reach out.
#voices #liveslowly #free #capitalismsucks #whitesupremacysucks #changethestory #vegan #zerowaste
LOOK: Indonesian pre-teen writes to U.S. President Donald Trump, “Why do you always export your waste to my country?” This happened after the recent move of the Indonesian government to send back waste shipments to countries of origin: Australia, U.S., France, Germany, and Hong Kong. DETAILS in our bio! .
#breakfreefromplastic #recyclingisnotenough #GoForZeroWaste #foamfree #storyofplastic #plastic #plasticpollutes #storyofstuff #ridiculouspackaging #demonstration #peoplepower #changethestory #reduce #reuse #sustainability #susty #gogreen #citizenmuscle #stopsucking #solvedifferent #cleanseas #plasticmonster #isthisyours #zerowaste #singleuseplastic #plasticfree #zerowasteyouth #beatplasticpollution
Today’s action is to calculate your plastic pollution footprint! Enter the number of units you consume per week, link in bio @breakfreefromplastic!
: Visual Thinkery // Bryan Mathers .
#breakfreefromplastic #recyclingisnotenough #GoForZeroWaste #foamfree #storyofplastic #plastic #plasticpollutes #storyofstuff #ridiculouspackaging #demonstration #peoplepower #changethestory #reduce #reuse #sustainability #susty #gogreen #citizenmuscle #stopsucking #solvedifferent #cleanseas #plasticmonster #isthisyours #zerowaste #singleuseplastic #plasticfree #zerowasteyouth #beatplasticpollution
“A lot of our groups are working on corporate campaigns and mobilizing grassroots communities against the same companies climate activists have been going after for decades.” Our senior communications officer Shilpi Chhotray (@shilpichhotray) talks about why we need to #breakfreefromplastic this Plastic Free July and beyond! via @nationswell
READ MORE link in bio! : @greenpeace .
#recyclingisnotenough #GoForZeroWaste #foamfree #storyofplastic #plasticfreejuly #plasticpollutes #storyofstuff #ridiculouspackaging #demonstration #peoplepower #changethestory #reduce #reuse #sustainability #susty #gogreen #citizenmuscle #stopsucking #solvedifferent #cleanseas #plasticmonster #isthisyours #zerowaste #singleuseplastic #plasticfree #zerowasteyouth #beatplasticpollution
John Hocevar, oceans campaign director @greenpeaceusa explains why we’re bringing the #PlasticMonster back to @nestle and demanding they #breakfreefromplastic! Link in bio for more details!
#GoForZeroWaste #foamfree#storyofplastic#plastic#plasticpollutes#storyofstuff #ridiculouspackaging #demonstration#peoplepower#changethestory #reduce#reuse#sustainability#susty#gogreen#citizenmuscle #stopsucking #recyclingisnotenough #solvedifferent #cleanseas #plasticmonster #isthisyours #zerowaste #singleuseplastic #plasticfree #zerowasteyouth #beatplasticpollution