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#changingpeopleslives #fitness #herbalifenutrition #motivation #nutrition #entrepreneur #lifestyle #fitnessmotivation #herbalife #transformation #wedoherbalife #womenentrepreneurs #beyourownboss #blessed #business #faith #fitfam #goals #pennaeakpuru #personaltrainer #purposedrivennutrition #weightloss #balancednutrition #blogger #businesswoman #challenge #changinghealth #coachcheyennel #coaching

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#changingpeopleslives #changingpeopleslivessince1980 #changingpeopleslivesdaily #changingpeopleslivesoneatatime #changingpeopleslivesforthebetter #changingpeoplesliveseveryday #changingpeopleslivesworldwide #changingpeopleslivesonedayatatime #changingpeopleslives2017 #changingpeopleslivesonehairatatime #changingpeopleslivesthroughfitness #changingpeopleslives❤️ #changingpeopleslivesonewrapatatime #changingpeopleslivestogether #changingpeopleslivesonecutatatime #changingpeopleslivesoneclosingatatime #changingpeopleslivesonepersonatatime #changingpeoplesliveswithnutrition #changingpeopleslivesoneheadatatime #changingpeopleslivesdaybyday #changingpeopleslivesaroundtheworld #changingpeopleslivesiswhatwedo #changingpeopleslivesonedropatatime #changingpeopleslivesonepictureatatime #changingpeopleslivesonedotatatime #changingpeopleslivesonestepatatime #changingpeopleslivesisourbusiness #changingpeopleslivesforaliving #changingpeopleslivesbytheminute #changingpeopleslives4thebetter #changingpeopleslivesforever


“ Não esqueça de beber água e tomar sol, você é basicamente uma planta caseira com emoções complicadas”. #simplesassim #mendingmatters #urbanjungle #jungalowstyle #happinessquotes #onmywaytohappiness #changinglives #mending #stitches #stitchlovers #happinessbrazil #institutohappinessbrazil #togertherness #weculture #happier #happiness happinessquotes #visiblemending #reuse #recycle #changingpeopleslives


Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely. #mindsettings #teamworking #hardworkingladies #achievinggoalstogether #healthynutrition #healthylifestyle #herbalifenutrition #ilovemyjob❤️ #changingpeopleslives


A exatos 5 anos atrás nascia o CrossFit Farroupilha, foi neste dia fiz meu CF Level-1 na Argentina, porque aqui no Brasil eram raros os cursos e as vagas esgotavam em pouca horas, também neste dia conheci um grande amigo e parceiro de CrossFit chamado @marcoleis Coach do @tchecrossfit que juntos estamos até hoje levando o nome deste esporte. Na época foi 7º Box a iniciar suas atividades no Estado, sem dúvida um dos primeiros a defender a bandeira do condicionamento físico e da saúde para todas as pessoas. Agradeço aos meus alunos do CrossFit Farroupilha que por esse Box passaram e até hoje permanecem, outros foram embora mas ainda são nosso eternos alunos, mesmo que longe de casa e por aqui foram muitas risadas e alguns sofrimentos, suor, mãos abertas, dores musculares, mas sempre ao final um comprimento de alegria e a satisfação do dever cumprido, não posso deixa nesse momento de agradecer a duas pessoas que fizeram e fazem valer a pena defender algo em que vc acredita, são eles @tempahs que me apresentou esse esporte que faz do meu Box o único Certificado Crossfit Oficial da cidade e a minha primeira aluna que até hoje esta comigo e é uma grande amiga @francielereche que acompanhou todo o nosso crescimento, a vocês e a todos os meu alunos meu muito obrigado de coração...tamo junto @crossfit_farroupilha #crossfit #crossfitoficial #coachguga #crossfitters #crossfitbrasil #crossfitserragaucha #athlete #crossfitfarroupilha #farroupilhars #crossfitaffiliates #fitness #crossfitraiz #atpsuplementos #stroke #strokesquad #strokebrasil #changingpeopleslives @pontodocelularbg109 @nutrielisacolombo


Love is too Beautiful to hide in the closet. Never apologize for who you love. ❤️


After attending worship meeting service with my son, spent most of the afternoon with him & hubby. • Took a break from my work from home & spent quality time with them. Played card games & had a quality time talking & just bonding. • That’s why I enjoy the business I’m in cuz I get to spend more time with the family & I also get to help others in their health‍♀️& financial situations. ✅ • How about you my friends and folks? How did you spend your Sunday? Would love to hear from you.⬇️ • #WorshipGod #afterworshipmeetingservice #spiritualtime #familytime #qualityfamilytime #familybonding #cardgames #MomAndSonTime #momrocks #grateful #FinancialAndTimeFreedom #healthandwealth #livehealthylivewealthy #entrepreneur #globalentrepreneur #momtrepreneur #ladyboss #bossbabe #healthcoach #influencer #helpingothers __


Sitting here in shock with the fact that I’m in Vegas, with an amazing business. Since starting my journey almost 10 months ago i have been more places that i could have possibly imagined, just with Arbonne alone. Washington DC, New Jersey, and now here! I can’t wait to see the places that i will travel next


Decided to eat Thai food with the family (my son & hubby) after Sunday worship meeting. Spiritually fed with the abundance of God’s word & physically fed after with my hubby & son’s favorite Thai food. • I’m very grateful & thankful to God for the blessings He has given me, having a wonderful husband & son & a brotherhood of spiritual family. And I’m also grateful for many of my amazing team members & business partners which I consider my extended family . • Please comment below for the people in your life that you’re grateful for⬇️ • #WorshipGod #familytime #eatingout #blessings #spirituallife #grateful #momliferocks #momprenuer #momtrepreneur #entreprenuer #influencer #healthcoach #helpingpeople • #LaptopLifestyle #iPhoneLifestyle #HelpingPeopleLifestyle #ChangingPeoplesLives #familystillfirst #butGodaboveall #nowthesewrapupmylifestyle • #JMhealthandwealth #JMbrand __


Ça t'arrive d'écrire tes pensées, tes objectifs ? Je suis un enfant dans un corps d'adulte, j'adore rêver... et écrire ses rêves est une preuve que tu vis ! Mais ce que j'aime surtout, c'est réaliser mes rêves... l'action, ni plus ni moins. #persisteam #rêve #dreamers #alimentationsaine #alimentationequilibree #mangerbien #modedevieéquilibré #unespritsaindansuncorpssain #remiseenforme #reequilibragealimentaire #coachbienêtre #bienetre #confianceensoi #estimedesoi #helpingpeople #changingpeopleslives


After celebrating the Commemoration of Jesus Christ’s Death last night, we (husband & my son) went to SHEN YUN WORLD TOUR SHOW. • Had amazing seats in front, with great talents of dancers depicting Chinese culture, live orchestra, powerful Chinese opera singers... overall a very good performance, would definitely recommend it to others. • The great opportunity I have with my business is being able to enjoy family time & doing the things we love together as a family. • Which favorite broadway show or live performance do you like? • #Jesusdiedforus #commemorateJesusChristsdeath #nightout #familynightout #familybonding #perksofmykindofbusiness #financialandtimefreedom #influencer #healthcoach #momrocks #momlife #momliferocks #womenentrepreneur #momtrepreneur #helpingothers #shenyunworldtourshow #liveopera #chineseoperashow #chinesegreattalents #chineseoperasingers #chineseoperadancers __

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