charityclub charity charitocracy charityofthemonth crowdfunding crowdsourcing nonprofit 501c3 charityfundraiser microphilanthropy nonprofitorganization nonprofits nonprofitsofinstagram strengthinnumbers whatwedo mustangsonthewharf santacruzmustangclub americanmuscle carclub carshow cjponyparts cruisecoffee ford fordmustang mastercarwash musclecar mustang mustangfanclub mustangsofinstagram scottsvalleycarsandcoffee studymedicine
Please join us for the very special car show “Gilroy Strong” benefiting the victims of the mass shooting last weekend. $20 buy in and you can register at please come support and help the victims. Music, raffle, mechanical bull, BBQ and loads of fun! Proceeds going to Gilroy Foundation for all the victims.
SCMC is sponsored by
“Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it’s the love, wisdom and time you gave away to help another soul. “
Thanks for sharing your time, wisdom and love with us this weekend. Witnessing the installation of the new committee. Acknowledging the contribution for the past year. Looking forward to another meaningful and productive year ahead ❤️ #iwc #innerwheelclub #charityclub #womencharity #oldshanghaitheme #oldshanghai #cheongsamparty #shanghai9 #sh9
#Repost @charitocracy
January #charitocracy winner @yourockfndn, nominated by donor @misadowling, takes $1,893!
#charity #charityfundraiser #crowdfunding #charityofthemonth #charityclub #microphilanthropy #nonprofit #nonprofitorganization #nonprofits #nonprofitsofinstagram #501c3 #crowdsourcing #strengthinnumbers
Наша команда вместе со студентами Назарбаев Университета (Кайсар и Екатерина NUSOM) участвовали в акции #WarmWinter Студенческого клуба @cdf_kz тёплая зима. Наша команда: Профессор Тимур Атабаев @tim.atabaev (SST), Профессор Асхат Жумабеков (SST) и Асия Ермухамбетова @assiya.yerm (SENG) и я . Мы смогли сделать теплее уже наступившую зиму для Адии, Аймен, Кадыржана и Наргыз. Студенты купили ещё Кадыржану спортивный костюм и кимоно для Казакша Курес. Спасибо больше нашим координаторам Хаким и Сауле ❤️ особое спасибо основателю клуба и общественного фонда @dina_shaikh #CDF #nazarbayevuniversity #charityclub #warmwinter #теплаязима #назарбаевуниверситет #sst #seng #астана #казахстан
Stoked to support @surfaid by being sponsors, along with
@balterbrewers @billabong @coastalwatch @firewiresurfboards @kudosurf @stickybumpswax @surfingworld
#surfing #surfingpro #surfingcompetition #surfcomp #surfingcomp #surfsup #charity #support #goodcause #charityeventmtl #charityworkshop #CharityWeek #charityperformance #charityassociates #charityvolunteer #charityphotography #charityfestival #charityclub
When, this event run well, I just can said "Alhamdulillah, thankyou and sorry"
Thankyou for kak @rmutiaram as the supervisor of this event. She very patient with us. I and my project manager always distrub ur day with our questions and some curcol. Huhu. The best lah kakakku ini ♡. Thankyou and Sorry for My beloved Project Manager @nadilasucinuria. I wanna said so sorry because i as your vice project manager ever skip our big meeting because I'm enough busy (sok busy bangetdah). And also thankyou for the all committees. Good job guys ♡♡♡♡ #charitypresuniv #charityclub #blooddonorevent #blooddonorcharity
1: TANGERANG 1, Donor darah.
3: JAKBAR, Ceramah Dharma.
4: PADANGSIDIMPUAN, Gathering anggota.
4: PAREPARE, Sosialisasi aktivis.
5: BATAM 1, Fang sheng.
5: PADANGSIDIMPUAN, Ceramah Dharma.
5: SAMARINDA, Bantuan sarana bimbel.
11: BOGOR, Bagi sembako.
12: TANGERANG, Ceramah Dharma.
12: BLITAR, Bantu alat mandi & sembako.
12: PEKANBARU, Derma makanan.
12: SERPONG, Ceramah Dharma.
16: BOGOR, Kunjungan kasih.
16: SERPONG, Ceramah Dharma.
19: ACEH, Bagi sembako.
19: CILACAP, Fang sheng.
21: TANGERANG, Ceramah di lapas.
25: BEKASI, Kunjungan kasih.
25: BANDUNG, Derma makanan.
26: BATAM 2, Kunjungan kasih.
26: PONTIANAK, Dana renovasi wihara.
28: NIAS, Gathering anggota. +BELITUNG, Bhinneka Drawing Camp & English Course. +GUNUNGKIDUL, Bhinneka Sport Club. +BERKAH BEKAS: derma baju & buku.
+PEDULI GURU AGAMA BUDDHA: meningkatkan kompetensi & kesejahteraan. +BEASISWA: 2.576 siswa. +ABDI DESA: 231 desa, bimbel 2.600 siswa, dana lahir, sakit, peti mati, renovasi wihara.
Dana sukarela ke BCA 4900333833 Yay Ehipassiko.
3-31: Galang dana buku "Lalitavistara: Riwayat Buddha Gotama di Candi Borobudur" Rp150.001 ke BCA 4900333833 Yay Ehipassiko. SMS/WA nama, alamat, dana ke 085888503388. .
Love You,
#agendaehipassiko #ehipassikofoundation #ehipassiko #studiaksimeditasi #agendamaret #dharmahumanistik #charity #humanity #social #socialclub #charityclub #donation #followme #photooftheday