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I’ve been going to Charlie’s ice cream since as long as I can remember (over 23 years).
Every summer, when traveling to my family’s cabin at the Spanish Peaks, I always had to take a get away with my dad and enjoy some ice cream. Lots has changed over the years but I can’t visit my cabin and not go to Charlies! The ice cream parlor sits inside the grocery store and is so cute. No one is in a rush, it’s all pure enjoyment. What places carry nostalgia for you? Do you have certain places you can’t pass without visiting?
#charliesicecream #laveta #spanishpeaks #runnergirl #nostalgia #physicianassistant #summertrip #cabinlife #coloradoliving #icecream
Taste testing a new collaboration with @charliesgelato - our award winning Salted Caramel and Buckwheat tablet turned into an amazing ice cream!!! This will be available soon from our store and Charlie’s throughout @feastmatakana 21 Sept - 14 Oct 2018
#honestchocolat #charliesicecream #ohmygod #itssoooogood #saltedcaramel #buckwheat #limitededition #chocolatier #milkchocolate #icecream #gelato #artisan #matakanavillage #nzmade #aucklandfoodies #soooyummy #chocolatier #feastmatakana #awardwinning #artisanchocolate #pastrychef #saltedcaramelicecream #matakana #comingsoon