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Louise Bourgeois's spider sculptures are often too big to fit into a gallery, so are usually found, like their real-life counterparts, in outdoor settings. Few are as beautifully positioned as this one in new book Destination Art, poised on a watery pool amid the rolling Provencal landscape of Château La Coste France.
Retrouver une deuxième jeunesse Et oui la dernière fois que je suis allé à un festival de Music ou plutôt à ce genre de rassemblement c’était il y a quelques années !!! Et bien ça m’a beaucoup manqué mdr
Sans rire c’était vraiment G É N I A L merci @cerclemusic pour cette organisation incroyable et merci au @chateaulacoste pour l’invitation c’était fantastique !! Performance de malade de @woraklshm c’était Dingue..
La Prochaine édition sera au CHÂTEAU DE CHAMBORD rien que ça suivre @cerclemusic sur @facebook la billetterie est en ligne
Look sur @21buttons_fr Pseudo marionlefebvre_topchef
#cerclemusic #cercle #chateaulacoste #festival #worakls #woraklsorchestra #live #photooftheday #badkids #music #musiclive #concert #orchestre #orchestresymphonique #musiquedumoment #musique
French Easter scenery hunting. 1000km across France with my partner in crime who loves road trips as much as I do. Paris - Lyon- Chateau la cost -Arles and few more cities in between. Now off to Switzerland to run one-on-one workshop and to attend birthday party ) #france #paris #larlatan #arles #pirosmaniexhibition #roadtrip
It’s a bit hard to see but inside the glass is a tiny stone chapel, originally used by farm workers, that was in disrepair. Architect Tadao Ando came up with an elegant solution to encase the building in glass in order to protect it. He removed a few stones which lets in just enough light to illuminate the altar. When the chapel door is closed the softly lit altar is all you can see. Standing inside this historic space was moving. .
#tadaoando #tadaoandochapel #contemporarysculpture #materiality #stoneandglass #contemporaryarchitecture #sitespecific #chateaulacoste #provence