chell portal valve portal2 glados cosplay portalgun chelly aperturescience beznosenkolife dailylife drawing gaming ural uraldrift аксессуарыдлямашины инжиниринг плот плот2019 плоты построитьплот приключения самодельныйплот сделатьплот сплав сплав2019 сплавбашкирия сплавмай domworkout
Oh would you look at that? Let’s throw some Portal in there, I’m eight years late to the party everyone let’s go
#ccDavid #ccMax #CampCamp #Non #NomadOfNowhere #Nomad #TWDGClementine #TWDGaj #TWDG #TWD #TheWalkingDead #Hilda #Dodie #DoddleOddle #DodieHuman #Human #theamazingworldofgumball #TAWOG #TAWOGGumball #TAWOGDarwin #Portal #Portal2 #Portaltwo #PortalChell #PortalWheatley #Chell #Wheatley
Fatty! Adopted Fatty! Fatty fatty no parents!! (I know the shirt is bad, I painted on the letters like 2 years ago, give me a break. Thanks)
#chell #chellcosplay #portalcosplay #portal2cosplay #aperturescience #gamergirl #portal #portal2 #valvecosplay #videogame #videogamecosplay #gamecosplay #portalgun #gamingcosplay
#cosplay #cosplaymakeup #makeup #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #cosplayworld #cosplaying
Another cool pic by @miharu_oda!
Hope you can appreciate better the details of the portal gun in this pic and remember, the cake is a lie!
#chell #portal2 #portalcosplay #portalgun #glados #cosplayer #cake #valve #portal #wheatley #testsubject #cosplayphotography #cosplay #studio #photoshoot #cosplayphoto #cosplaylife