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White to move. The Swedish gm Juan Bellon(married to Pia Cramling) beat Ljubojevic in 1972 with this combination. Follow @dailychessproblem to get a lot of puzzles! Try my friend @chess_hype for even more puzzles! #Chessmoves #chessgame #satranç #chesspiece #chessplayer #playingchess #chesslife #xadrez #fide #chessboard #chessnotcheckers #schach #schack #chessclub #chess #gameofchess #chesspuzzle #pawn #checkmate #jaque #catur #chessmaster #шахматы #chesslover #sjakk #chesstournament #scacco #شطرنج #echecs #chessman
Às vezes acontecem coisas bizarras no xadrez.
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