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Sometimes you have to give your disc some extra skip with body english...some throws need more help than others . 60% of the time, it works every time ♀️. .
#pdga #pdgawomen #discgolf #discgolffamily #txdiscgolf #discgolflife #chickschasingchains #gooutside #throwlikeagirl #discgolf4women #growthesport #ladiesdiscgolf #staypositive #dynamicdiscs #raider #gbo #gbomoments
I’ve been putting off uploading GBO photos, because once I do GBO is completely done . I’m also having issues putting into words just how wonderful my week at “Disc Golf Disneyland” was. are my favorite parts:
-Laughing way too hard, way too often
-Friends (old and new) -Meeting a few really amazing people that I’ve gotten to know online -Trading off 1,000-rated caddy and photographer duties -Great beer and food -Confident putting (thanks to my trusty @gatewaydiscsports Wizards)
-Beautifully challenging courses
I can’t wait for next year! Thanks to @dynamicdiscs , all the sponsors, and all the volunteers for such a memorable event. ✌️❤️⛓
#pdga #pdgawomen #discgolf #discgolffamily #txdiscgolf #discgolflife #chickschasingchains #gooutside #throwlikeagirl #discgolf4women #growthesport #ladiesdiscgolf #staypositive #gbo #gbomoments
Perfect pitstop for our drive home from #GBO2019. Left our mark at Turner Falls and made a last #gbomoment
#pdga #pdgawomen #discgolf #discgolffamily #txdiscgolf #discgolflife #chickschasingchains #gooutside #throwlikeagirl #discgolf4women #growthesport #ladiesdiscgolf #staypositive #turnerfalls
A little behind on photos since we left town so soon after the blast that was the 420 Open. Two courses that were so different and brought their own individual challenges (☀️ wide-open Zube, and tight-line TAT ). I had a wonderful day with a great card of ladies. Incredible job on this one Cypress Disc Golf! .
As always, thanks to @michellustrations for taking some beautiful photos. ✌️❤️⛓
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Yesterday was my seventh tournament of the year and it’s still crazy to think I only started playing about a year ago...or less. ⛓
My last two tournaments really tested my mental game, so my goal for the Four Twenty Open was to keep my mind calm and worry less about placements and my competitors. Texas Army Trail can easily get you down but I played it smart (give or take a hole or two) and felt pretty good about my round. Zube is a pretty easy course that I just didn’t play as well as I could have. I didn’t play to the best of my abilities every hole but I never let myself feel defeated; instead I focused on my own game. Normally I would be bummed with placing 4th out of 5 but I still shot over fifty points above my rating, I didn’t get mental and I got to play with some of my favorite Houston for me, that’s a win!
Next stop...Emporia, Kansas for the Glass Blown Open!
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TWC...never disappoints! This was my 3rd year playing what has become one of my favorite tournaments. An all-women’s tournament has a completely different vibe that I absolutely adore . Thanks to @flatcreekdgc for hosting us this year. This course is the most beautiful I’ve played in Texas . Despite some bad weather we were able to complete 2 of the 3 originally scheduled rounds. The first round I FINALLY shot under par for the first time! I had some ahhhmazing Flat Creek wine to celebrate! Unfortunately the second round wasn’t my best, and I would give anything to have a third round for redemption. ♀️ But it be like that sometimes. As always, lessons learned. On to the 420 Open next! ✌️❤️⛓
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2019 TX State DGC!
This was @northsidechaingang’s second year to host this tournament, and it’s been a huge honor and learning experience to be so involved each year. My first A-Tier in FPO...and the tournament nerves were insane (you can literally see my hand shaking on the box)! Although I didn’t play to my full potential and came in last, I’m thrilled that I stepped out of my comfort zone and moved up. Every tournament has been a completely different learning experience, and this one came with a plethora of lessons. Overall, I shot above my rating for the weekend and I met and played with some incredible ladies ♀️, so I can’t complain ♀️. Thanks to all my friends and family that followed along on @udisclive and sent me encouraging texts . Y’all are the best . As usual, lessons learned. On to Texas Women’s Championship next weekend! ✌️❤️⛓
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