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Exclusively available at Epione Beverly Hills
Treatment: Non-surgical cheek contouring
Purpose: Augment and lift the cheeks
How it works: Using long-lasting dermal filler injections
Results: Immediate to 2 weeks
✏ Note: Individual results may vary
Phone: 310-746-5233
Location: Epione Beverly Hills
Technique: Micro-droplet injection
Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream and/or Vibrata
⏰Time it takes: about an hour
Recovery: none
Lasts: months to years depending on product used
Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
Pain level : varies, none to mild
Initial Private Consultation: $500 credited towards the cost of treatment.
© copyright 2015-2018 by Simon Ourian, MD and Epione
Always consult your healthcare professional for specific advice related to your medical conditions and treatment, including all risks and potential benefits of undergoing this treatment. Only your healthcare professional can assess whether you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure.
* Unfortunately there are some fake sites and pages that claim to be either affiliated with us or put Epione or Simon Ourian on their IG page and other places. For this reason you see “Exclusively at Epione Beverly Hills” to emphasize that we only have one location and offer all these services only at this one location in Beverly Hills. Thank you .
#facelift #nosurgery #NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles
#goldenratio #fibonacci
Больше работали над асимметрией.. фото до и сразу после процедуры. С отеком. Обычно три, максимум 7 дней и будет все супер красиво!
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефонам Алматы #НИИКД
+7 (701) 611-94-49 Алматы вотсап
+7 (727) 328-70-70
+7 (778) 150-01-08 Астана вотсап
+7 (727) 273-21-86
+7 747 500 59- 50
#саожураева #жураевасаодат#НИИКД#контуринг #губы# #ДокторЖураеваСаодатШакировна#аугментациягуб#увеличениегубалматы#красивыегубы#гиалуроноваякислота#филеры#NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chheks #cheeklift #cheekaugmentation #cheekcontour #носослезнаяборозда#beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles#JBFfiller
Semi Permanent Cheek Contouring
Exclusively available at Epione Beverly Hills
Treatment: Non-surgical cheek contouring
Purpose: Augment and lift the cheeks
How it works: Using long-lasting dermal filler injections
Results: Immediate to 2 weeks
✏ Note: Individual results may vary
Phone: 310-746-5233
Location: Epione Beverly Hills
Technique: Micro-droplet injection
Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream and/or Vibrata
⏰Time it takes: about an hour
Recovery: none
Lasts: months to years depending on product used
Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
Pain level : varies, none to mild
Initial Private Consultation: $500 credited towards the cost of treatment.
National Average Cost: $2900-$5900 depending on desired results, size of the area, and products used. © copyright 2015-2018 by Simon Ourian, MD and Epione
Always consult your healthcare professional for specific advice related to your medical conditions and treatment, including all risks and potential benefits of undergoing this treatment. Only your healthcare professional can assess whether you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure.
* Unfortunately there are some fake sites and pages that claim to be either affiliated with us or put Epione or Simon Ourian on their IG page and other places. For this reason you see “Exclusively at Epione Beverly Hills” to emphasize that we only have one location and offer all these services only at this one location in Beverly Hills. Thank you . #facelift #nosurgery #NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chheks #cheeklift #cheekaugmentation #cheekcontour #cosmeticsurgery beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles
#goldenratio #fibonacci #epione
Exclusively available at Epione Beverly Hills
Treatment: Non-Surgical Cheek and chin Augmentation
Purpose: Augment and lift the cheeks and chin
How it works: Using long lasting dermal fillers injections
Results: Immediate to 2 weeks
✏ Note: Individual results may vary
Phone: 310-746-5233
Location: Epione Beverly Hills
Technique: Micro-droplet injection
Anesthesia: topical numbing cream
⏰Time it takes: about an hour
Recovery: none
Lasts: months to years depending on product used
Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
Pain level : varies, none to mild
National Average Cost: $4900-$14000 per area, depending on desired result and product used
Initial Private Consultation: $500 credited towards the cost of treatment.
©copyright 2015-2018 by Simon Ourian, MD and Epione
Always consult your healthcare professional for specific advice related to your medical conditions and treatment, including all risks and potential benefits of undergoing this treatment. Only your healthcare professional can assess whether you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure.
* Unfortunately there are some fake sites and pages that claim to be either affiliated with us or put Epione or Simon Ourian on their IG page and other places. For this reason you see “Exclusively at Epione Beverly Hills” to emphasize that we only have one location and offer all these services only at this one location in Beverly Hills. Thank you .
#allergan #facelift #softlift #nosurgery #NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chin #botox #juvederm #voluma #youth #beauty #beautiful #youthful #fountainofyouth #laser #botox #juvederm #voluma #copyrightallergan #transformation #makeover #hollywoodtransformation #celebritymakeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles #california #bestdoctor #socal #simonourianmd #epionebeverlyhills
thank you @xoxomehg for allowing us to film and show this. You can see the results on her page. I measure for achieving mathematical symmetry and balance ( see #fibonacci ). The golden tool is myvibrata that helps control the pain. Treatment: Non-surgical cheek contouring Purpose: Augment and lift the cheeks
How it works: Using long-lasting dermal filler injections
Results: Immediate to 2 weeks
✏ Note: Individual results may vary
Phone: 310-746-5233
Location: Epione Beverly Hills
Technique: Micro-droplet injection
Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream and/or Vibrata
⏰Time it takes: about an hour
Recovery: none
Lasts: months to years depending on product used
Caution: Must be performed by an experienced provider
Pain level : varies, none to mild
Initial Private Consultation: $500 credited towards the cost of treatment.
© copyright 2015-2016 by Simon Ourian MD, and Epione -
Always consult your healthcare professional for specific advice related to your medical conditions and treatment, including all risks and potential benefits of undergoing this treatment. Only your healthcare professional can assess whether you are an appropriate candidate for this procedure.
* Unfortunately there are some fake sites and pages that claim to be either affiliated with us or put Epione or Simon Ourian on their IG page and other places. For this reason you see “Exclusively at Epione Beverly Hills” to emphasize that we only have one location and offer all these services only at this one location in Beverly Hills. Thank you .
#facelift #nosurgery #NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles
#goldenratio #fibonacci
Лифтинг нижней трети лица нитями PLLA, коррекция губ филером гиалуроновой кислоты
Фото до и сразу после процедуры
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефонам Алматы #НИИКД
+7 (701) 611-94-49 Алматы вотсап
+7 (727) 328-70-70
+7 (778) 150-01-08 Астана вотсап
+7 (727) 273-21-86
+7 747 500 59- 50
#саожураева #жураевасаодат#НИИКД#контуринг #губы# #ДокторЖураеваСаодатШакировна#аугментациягуб#увеличениегубалматы#красивыегубы#гиалуроноваякислота#филеры#NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chheks #cheeklift #cheekaugmentation #cheekcontour #cosmeticsurgery beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles#JBFfiller
Омоложение шеи! Комплекс методов! Сепарация, безболезненная- деликатно отсоединяет слипшиеся морщины и складки кожи, далее используем платизматерапию для лебединой, подтянутой шеи.
Тупая канюля продвигается легкими вкручивающимися движениями под кожей, не вызывая болевых ощущений. Канюля раздвигает, а не прокалывает ткани лица, минимально их травмируя. Небольшой кровоподтек возможен лишь в зоне прокола кожи иглой, через который затем вводится канюля. Применение местного обезболивания с помощью анестезирующего крема, а также использование новых препаратов линии DNA CELL – продление жизненного цикла клеток, восстановление и защита ДНК кожного биогенеза
✅DNA CELL -мезотерапевтический гель- cпособствует восстановлению клеток, реконструируя соединительную ткань посредством стимулирования процессов репарации, восстанавливает разрушенные протеины (в основном, коллаген), клетки крови, иммунокомпетентные структуры и ткани, поврежденные ишемическими процессами, УФО и свободными радикалами.
✅И что ещё не маловажно ☝️- Препарат имеет плотную гелевую структуру, в связи с чем время его работы в тканях значительно дольше, чем у его аналогов.
✅Основные показания:
ревитализация кожи, особенно деликатные зоны с тонкой кожей (периорбитальная область, шея, кисти рук); реабилитация кожи;
терапия фото- и хроностарения;
коррекция гиперпигментаций;
усиление барьерных свойств и восстановление иммунитета кожи
Последуя процедура DNA CELL с полинуклеотидами в 50 раз эффективна биоревитализации, PRP, и применение плаценты
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефонам Алматы #НИИКД
+7 (701) 611-94-49 Алматы вотсап
+7 (727) 328-70-70
+7 (778) 150-01-08 Астана вотсап
+7 (727) 273-21-86
+7 747 500 59- 50
+971 56 701 4041 Дубай
+971 55 342 8263 Дубай вотсап
#саожураева #жураевасаодат#НИИКД#контуринг #губы# #ДокторЖураеваСаодатШакировна#аугментациягуб#увеличениегубалматы#красивыегубы#гиалуроноваякислота#филеры#NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chheks #cheeklift #cheekaugmentation #cheekcontour #cosmeticsurgery beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles#JBFfiller
Комплексная бьютификация... лифтинг нитями PLLA, так же коррекция подбородка, овала лица, скул, губ филерами гиалуроновой кислоты
По всем вопросам обращаться по телефонам Алматы #НИИКД
+7 (701) 611-94-49 Алматы вотсап
+7 (727) 328-70-70
+7 (778) 150-01-08 Астана вотсап
+7 (727) 273-21-86
+7 747 500 59- 50
#саожураева #жураевасаодат#НИИКД#контуринг #губы# #ДокторЖураеваСаодатШакировна#аугментациягуб#увеличениегубалматы#красивыегубы#гиалуроноваякислота#филеры#NonSurgicalFacelift #chinaugmentation #chinlift #chheks #cheeklift #cheekaugmentation #cheekcontour #cosmeticsurgery beauty #beautiful #youthful #laser #botox #transformation #makeover #beverlyhills #hollywood #losangeles#JBFfiller