choctawhighschool fortwaltonbeachhighschool m3strengthandconditioning eglinafb hurlburtfield strength strengthandconditioning athletic fortwaltonbeach wearemodernmusclemovement destin fitness power youth instafitness fitnessmotivation athletes football soccer speed strong force wearemodernmusclemovent nicevillehighschool strengthtraining basketball powerathlete squats athlete baseball powerathlete
Little in camera double exposure fun with these cuties!
#30a #30aseniors #30aphotographer #highschoolsenior #seniorpics #seniorportraits #senioryear #senior2019 #senior2020 #southwalton #swhs #sowal #seacoasthighschool #seacoastcollegiatehighschool #pacepatriots #pacehighschool #miltonpanthers #miltonhighschool #nhs #nicevillehighschool #nicevilleeagles #choctaw #choctawhighschool #navarreraiders #navarrehighschool #canon #canonusa #doubleexposure #tiffanyshae
Before one can master their opponent they must master self.
We prioritize all the stuff they aren’t doing in school.
Static Split Squat 1-Arm Press w/5 sec Eccentric supersetted with Trx Rows w/3sec pause and 3 sec ecccentric phase.
These kids are already strong bi-laterally.
We gotta channel it unilaterally.
2:40 HS S&C @_.jw11 @_juice_wayne @jadenmikhael @brodytjohnson #wearemodernmusclemovement #m3strengthandconditioning #kettlebells #cleanandpress #pullups #explosive #bodyweight #strengthandconditioning #fitness #instafitness #fitnessmotivation #basics #trijointextension #strength #power #speed #athletic #choctawhighschool #nicevillehighschool #fortwaltonbeachhighschool #eglinafb #hurlburtfield #destin #fortwaltonbeach
Senior mini sessions NEXT SATURDAY the 27th. Sessions start at 6:00 p.m. and run until 8:20 p.m. -> that’s only 7 available session slots! Sessions will take place on the OU campus in Norman. Make sure to snag your spot before they fill up and share the deal with your family and friends! Mini sessions are short, easy going, and you get pictures out of the way before the business of the school year even begins. Message me for slot availability or more information and check out my story to see some of my recent work!
Can we get 2 hand claps and a Ric Flair “wooooooo!” For all those who made the Choctawhatchee High School Varsity Cheerleading Squad. Particularly, that STUD on the very most right! Kneeling down as to not crowd the entire shot with the MASSIVE amount of #gainz he has acquired since becoming a Black Sheep Athlete! ...
3 months ago, Jackson accompanied by his Dad inquired about what it took to be a Black Sheep. They saw our Annual Blood In Blood Out Meet and were very impressed. We told him all it was going to take was hard work and consistency. ...
Jackson said he wanted to increase his strength so that he could make the Varsity Cheer Team. Well, everyday he did what he was told and he did it to the best of his ability. Now, he’s stronger than ever and a notch has been knocked off his belt! Hard work paid off and now it’s time to push even further.
It’s ok to push your kids to professionals. Teach them that it’s okay to listen and be coached by other adults. Non-coachable kids grow up to be closed minded adults. I get damn excited when we get teenagers in the gym. Not only do they get stronger and healthier. But they build social skills, confidence/self-worth, direction, discipline, and integrity. EVERYTHING in the gym parallels with lessons in life. If we believe they are our future then let’s set them up for an amazing ride! ...
Stud Varsity Cheerleader: @850_jackson ...
#blacksheepbarbell #BSB #blacksheepstrong #strength #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #conjugatemethod @westsidebarbellofficial #westsidebarbell #youthtraining #gym #gymmotivation #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #powerlifting #powerliftingmotivation #varsitycheer #choctawhighschool #fortwaltonbeach
Grip-less Trx Face-Pulls to enhance posture!!!! We do tons of upperback work to combat all the anterior activity from Sport Field play, on the phone text messaging or sitting down playing video games@trxtraining
2:40 HS S&C @_.jw11 @_juice_wayne @jadenmikhael @brodytjohnson #wearemodernmusclemovement #m3strengthandconditioning #kettlebells #cleanandpress #pullups #explosive #bodyweight #strengthandconditioning #fitness #instafitness #fitnessmotivation #basics #trijointextension #strength #power #speed #athletic #choctawhighschool #nicevillehighschool #fortwaltonbeachhighschool #eglinafb #hurlburtfield #destin #fortwaltonbeach