chronicwarrior chronicillness invisibleillness chronicpain spoonie fibromyalgia chronicillnessawareness pots chronicallyill spoonielife chronicfatigue disability endometriosis multiplesclerosis invisibleillnessawareness spoonies spooniewarrior butyoudontlooksick cancer dysautonomia gastroparesis ptsd spooniesupport chronicfatiguesyndrome chroniclife chronicpainsucks chronicpainwarrior invisibledisease
#uterusproblems #bloominuterus #endofighter #iamstrong #endometriosis #endometriosisawareness #talkendo #keepfighting #chronicillness #invisibleillness #pelvicpain #endo #bcuzendo #lifewithendo #endomeetup #supportgroup #endosupport #neverquit #1in10 #nocure #176million #spoonie #spoonielife #youdontlooksick #chronicwarrior #spoonies #toolong #endofamily #endofam #endothesilence
When you are living with #chronicillness and #chronicpain insomnia is a one of most energy draining and debilitating symptoms. Do you agree? P.S. I’d like to let you know that a reputable health company is giving away FREE probiotic and FREE protein that can be very helpful for people with #lupus and #autoimmunedisease who have impaired #sleep #digestion chronic pain #brainfog depression #thyroid problems #fatigue insomnia and low immunity. These 2 supplements are a high quality LIVE potent probiotic with 50 billion good bacteria and a premium protein. They provide nutrients that are often lacking in people with lupus and other #autoimmune disorders. It’s truly free, no strings attached, shipping worldwide. You can get it via website or just click the link in my instagram profile @lupusselfhelp <<<===click
This is so on point for me! When asked what my pain level was on the regular 1-10 pain scale, I would usually answer with the range of 4 to 7. My pain wasn't being taken seriously because I was downplaying my pain! I figured out that the scale didn't take my years of chronic pain tolerance into account.
Just because I COULD function at a high number and someone else couldn't at the same one, doesn't mean I need to lower mine! I needed to STOP downplaying my pain! I shouldn't feel bad about saying my pain is at 9 or 10 on their 1 to 10 scale. I downplayed my pain because I thought they wouldn't believe me because I wasn't crying, moaning, screaming, or hysterical.
For years, I HAD to go to school and work. "Sick days" were very rare. In fact, I remember ONE day where I had to go home early. It was so bad that I couldn't even drive. My boyfriend (now husband) drove me home. Then I remember ONE day where I had to call in sick. It was so bad that I couldn't think or see straight to make the call so my husband talked to my boss. I've had pain so bad that it made me throw up. I would stay to finish my day because I wasn't contagious.
My health has deteriorated over the years. Those rare "sick days" happen every.single.week if I don't rest. It's much harder to treat and takes much longer to break a bad pain cycle. Once I break it, there's another one just around the corner. I can't push through it anymore, because I can't function.
This chronic illness pain scale is so much better at describing things. I can't actually use it, but I can adjust my numbers to fit better. My 6 is not the same as someone else's 6, so I have to up my number. Communication is so important when managing chronic illness and pain. I think I need to print this out and see if they will put a copy in my chart, or at least keep a copy with me.
#chronicwarrior #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #invisibleillness #chronicpainawareness #chronicpainwarrior #chronicillnessawareness #chronicillnesswarrior
Chronic illness takes a lot from us, so we have to take it back. I took back a full week so that I could spend it at Disney World and Universal with my best friends ever. I am still a teenager I just had to adapt to life just like all of us do. I used my wheelchair, had my tube in running feeds at night, didnt force myself to eat anything I couldnt eat. I did push myself but I had the BEST support system behind me who helped me be as comfortable as I could. I rode rides, I pinned traded to my hearts content, I laughed, I made amazing memories and so much more that I wouldnt change for the world.
Being grateful and resentful at the same time is a very true, very real feeling. I struggle with body image, who wouldn’t with all these tubes and such connected 24/7? It’s annoying, and painful. Getting caught on every little thing, tangling myself up in the middle of the night, my cat/dog tugging at them, it’s a lot. But at the same time, I know that without these tubes I would be so much worse off. I get jealous sometimes that I’m not “normal.” That I can’t just eat anything I want without being sick and needing medicine. Gastrointestinal failure is a whirlwind. .
Left to right: feeding tube to jejunum, drainage tube from stomach, insulin pump site and pump. .
I need these things to stay alive, however difficult they may be. My feelings toward myself and my conditions and my lifestyle shift on a daily, sometimes even hourly, basis ranging from extreme gratitude and thankfulness, to annoyance and resent. I’m sure I’m not alone in this. How do you guys feel about your illness(es) and struggles? How do you get through the bad times?
How has chronic pain changed your life? I'll feature your answer(anonymous if you want) on our next YouTube video - make sure to subscribe! (link in bio)⠀
share/like if you agree! What a sad reality for us chronically ill. We're in the prime time of our lives and trying to figure out what we want to be when we grow up(whether you're 15,23, or 35, or 40!). Lupus or any chronic disease has no boundaries. Chronic pain is my new normal and it's frustrating. I actually don't remember what it's like to not have pain.⠀
Pain is usually temporary for most and that's why it's hard to be relatable. so ATTN HEALTHY PEOPLE: our pain doesn't go away, even when we smile. Our smile is for you.⠀
It's okay to be frustrated, it's okay to sulk. Have your temper tantrum, stay in bed, take CBD or Cannabis and TAKE CARE OF YOU.⠀
I 100% support a pity party, but we can't party for too long otherwise, we can get lost in that rabbit hole.⠀
Don't forget to pull yourself out and keep.moving.forward. Even though we always have pain, I look forward to those days where it's manageable or hardly there.
‼️ subscribe‼️to our new YouTube channel for weekly Lupus Life Hacks ® videos on managing Lupus!
*Link in bio*
#lupusawareness #lupusawarenessmonth19 #mentalhealth #chroniclife #chronicpainsurvivor #chronicpainawareness #painmanagement #spooniesupport #spooniefighter #lupuspain #lupusflare #lupuswarrior #lupiechick #lupusadvocates #lupusadvocacy #patientadvocate #chronicwarrior #spooniesisters
I’ve often felt misunderstood, weak, or judged growing up with a rare and invisible illness. Many people don’t know anything about the illness. If they do, they usually know that it affects the lungs. Yes, this is true. But there is so much more they are missing.
The complexity of the illness makes it challenging to understand after just one conversation and the invisibility in my appearance makes it disbelieving for many.
Cystic fibrosis affects mainly the lungs, but it can also severely effect the sinuses, pancreases, liver, digestive system, and reproductive system. I think it is important for more people to be aware that although the underline problem is in the lungs, there is so much more to it.
At first sight I may look like a healthy young adult, but I am fighting CF along with diabetes, liver diseases, digestive and sinus complications.
#cf #cysticfibrosis #cfawarenessmonth #hospital #65roses #cfawareness #cfirl #chronicillness #chronicwarrior #justbreathe #lungs