blockprinting ckvlaf ckvlart ckvlcool cookeville linocut linograbado linogravure madeheremarket middletennessee putnamcounty tennessee tote uppercumberland westside cookevilleproud
Come buy these pillows from me tomorrow at the Made Here Market or else my couch is going to have zero room to sit on because I’ll be FORCED to keep them. #neverenoughpillows #madeheremarket @bizfoundry #ckvlaf #cookeville #putnamcounty #uppercumberland #middletennessee #tennessee #ckvlart #ckvlcool #madeheremarket #westside #tote #linocut #blockprinting #linogravure #linograbado
Exploring our city and the area around it is one of my favorite hobbies. Cookeville certainly has no lack of things to do & see. From kayaking its waters, to hiking its trails, from drinking its beers to shopping its local businesses-there’s something for everyone. I made this tote to celebrate Cookeville & its explorers. I’ll have a few at my booth this Saturday from 10-6 at the Biz Foundry’s Made Here Market on the West Side. #ckvlaf #cookeville #putnamcounty #uppercumberland #middletennessee #tennessee #ckvlart #ckvlcool #madeheremarket #westside #tote #linocut #blockprinting #linogravure #linograbado